City Council Informational • 4 PM • Tuesday 10th
Presentations on the CVB BID Budget and Regular Budget Amendments. I’m not sure how many amendments there will be, but I do know about a couple of them.
Regular City Council Meeting • 7 PM • Tuesday 10th
Item #12, Deferred Resolution, Street Vacation. This will probably pass because the RS5 seem to be leaning that way. I think the only two that will vote against it is Starr and Stehly. What is weird is that the vacation isn’t really needed, and the State who are involved with it, doesn’t seem to care either way.
Item #16, 1st Reading, Supplemental Appropriations for the parks department for bike trail upgrades. No real explanation for this.
Item #17, 1st Reading, Property tax increase. The council hasn’t failed to pass this every year for well over a decade. I don’t think this year will be any different. Ironically, the city really doesn’t have to pass this, they can just leave the rate where it is. The excuses for raising the tax rate should be interesting . . . and TOTAL BS!
Items #18-21, Resolutions on the 2020 budget(s)
Charter Revision Commission • 3:30 PM • Wednesday 11th
The Commission trudges thru more articles of the charter.
UPDATE: The Presser on Tuesday at 10 AM is for the Events Center Campus Book Club recommendations.