Just look at what our legislature does each year to encourage racism and less tolerance. Anti-choice laws, little access to affordable healthcare, open carry, bathroom bills, resisting other languages for driver’s licenses, etc. This is what happens when you have one-party rule, and that party SUCKS!

It takes more than an attitude or culture change, it takes a LEADERSHIP change, and until that happens in Pierre and in the City Halls and County Commission chambers across this state, we will continue to legislate hate instead of tolerance.

I find it a little ironic that our mayor said he scaled back a compassion program in the city because he wants others to chip in. What he fails to mention is he supposedly fired the person in charge of the program.

Make no mistake, those in power are quite happy with our Lilly-White community, and they want it to stay that way . . . at least in their minds.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Want to reduce racism in Sioux Falls & SD? Stop voting for White, Male, Republicans”
  1. Is it not racist to tell voters not to vote for a certain candidate because of their race/skin color (regardless if that color is black, white or brown)?

  2. Oh, the Trumpist line of ‘Reverse Racism’. Just look at who creates all the racist legislation. It’s white, male, Republicans. That’s not racism, that’s calling a spade a spade.

  3. What racism? I swear people only see what they want.
    I live in tgose “beige” houses on the south side so many complain about our our neighborhood is extremely diverse in race, religion, sexual orientation, etc. Just keep people dividing by making issues out of nothing though.

  4. My point is we would be a much more tolerant society if some legislation coming out of Pierre was more tolerant.

  5. We also need to have Democratic leaders in this state to stop “Liking” Republican leaders’ comments and actions on social media and stop forming “non partisan” PACs, which then give money to Republicans.


  6. #1 anyone of color “hosting” alex jensen’s little clambake?
    how about lbgtq?
    #2 how about we just stop voting for morons?

  7. which of the activities you list as being carried out by the legislature is racist? I know you will throw back the tolerance partof your statement but no racism here; and when are you going to tolerate pro lifers?

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