Trust me, I realize that the Belfrage show is just ‘talk’ and NOT news, in fact I would go so far to say it is the epitome of fake news. Day after day his moronic audience calls in defending a president that has taken the constitution and wiped his butt with it. So it is NO surprise his ignorant listeners would call in and agree with him on saying a bee keeping ordinance is a bad thing.

If you watch the city council informational meeting at the end of this article, you will see many questions answered by a person who educates people on bee keeping. So let’s look at some FACTS that Greg’s listeners chose to ignore;

• Bees already exist in Sioux Falls, and there is a lot of them. In fact it has taken me about 3 years to get my flower beds built up in my backyard to where they are almost all completely full of cover. I had tons of bees this summer in my backyard. Never got stung. In fact I ran into them accidentally quite a bit, and they just flew away. When a bee stings it commits suicide, once the stinger is left in your body it pulls their guts out killing them.

• Most people who get stung in the city are stung by wasps and hornets. They have a stinger that detaches from them without killing them, so they have no problem with stinging people.

• Bees are essential for vegetables and flowers. How do you think people in the city grow flowers and gardens without bees? They don’t, bees are already here working hard.

• Bee keepers will be required to be licensed, take a course and get neighbors permission. They approximate that about 5-10 people will apply for the license if this ordinance passes. The hives will also have to be limited in size. In other words, they won’t have massive bee farms. People will mostly have the hives for personal honey use and their own gardens. While bees will travel 2-3 miles to pollinate, most likely they won’t go far if they don’t have to.

• People are allergic to bee stings. I get it, people are also allergic to peanuts. Should we ban peanuts in Sioux Falls? If you are allergic to something you take some personal responsibility for that.

• Mosquito spraying is more harmful then bees. The chemical compounds that the city uses to spray actually kills bees and butterflies and many other beneficial insects in our city. In fact, one of the reasons I don’t have a garden is because those compounds are most likely leaving a residue on your vegetables that can’t be washed away, and if young children eat those vegetables it can have an affect on their nervous system. I have told the city on numerous occasions they need to use a ecological safe organic spray on mosquitos instead. There is an organic compound out there right now that can be put into standing water like drainage ponds that kills larvae.

Once again, many people are saying the ‘sky is falling’ and I’m not sure this ordinance will pass. In the video below you will notice that Neitzert and Erickson were gunning against it. You will also notice that NO ONE came to public input in opposition to this. If it gets a reading, I suspect there will only be one or two people opposed to it at the regular council meeting.

Without bees we don’t eat, and if we don’t eat, we die folks. Grow a brain.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Belfrage helping to spread misinformation about bee keeping ordinance”
  1. Allowing bee keeping in town seems like a pretty common sense thing and good idea to me. Granted, you wouldn’t want a massive operation that put an unusually large amount of bees in a neighborhood but the ordinance prevents that from happening.

  2. You lost me the second you brought the President into this with false claims about wiping his ass with the Constitution. I don’t know any Trump supporter who thinks that a city should prevent homeowners from having bees.

  3. Erica, you do realize that the president did violate his oath to uphold the constitution, SEVERAL TIMES! If you do not know that (which he has admitted to) you really need to do yourself a favor and stop following politics and take up a hobby.

  4. l3wis,

    But he hasnt. Not even once. He never even admitted to violating the oath either (bc never happened) Use facts and solid evidence, not feelings.

  5. Are you blanking serious?! Wow. Here’s the ‘short’ list

    Violation of Constitution on Domestic Emoluments
    Violation of Constitution on Foreign Emoluments
    Incitement of Violence
    Interference With Voting Rights
    Discrimination Based On Religion
    Illegal War
    Illegal Threat of Nuclear War
    Abuse of Pardon Power
    Obstruction of Justice
    Politicizing Prosecutions
    Collusion Against the United States with a Foreign Government
    Failure to Reasonably Prepare for or Respond to Hurricanes Harvey and Maria
    Separating Children and Infants from Families
    Illegally Attempting to Influence an Election
    Tax Fraud and Public Misrepresentation
    Assaulting Freedom of the Press
    Supporting a Coup in Venezuela
    Unconstitutional Declaration of Emergency
    Instructing Border Patrol to Violate the Law
    Refusal to Comply With Subpoenas
    Declaration of Emergency Without Basis In Order to Violate the Will of Congress
    Illegal Proliferation of Nuclear Technology
    Illegally Removing the United States from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    Here are some other ‘fun’ links;

  6. the list reads like a litany of the Obama administrations actions until you get to the end of the list; rather than take us out of treaties Barry just imposed treaty responsibilities on us without constitutional (senate) approval

  7. Why do you conservatives continue to defend Trump? History will come down hard on you some day, you just watch.

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