Every year Sanford holds a big party for it’s employees, they usually bring in a well known performer.

UPDATE: Employees had to pay $10 a ticket with a limit of two. It was a fundraiser for Sanford’s Employee Emergency fund. Tickets were available to Sanford employees as well as First Premier, Unity Point and GSS.

This year apparently they brought in Dave Matthews and Grace Potter (which I was told was fantastic). While I am not really a fan anymore (because all his stuff sounds the same) when he first got popular about 20 years ago, I did like some of that early stuff.

But what is disappointing is that Sanford kept this all to themselves. What would have been the harm in selling tickets to a public concert? Could Matthews sell out the Denty? Probably not, but heck, I guarantee he could have sold out the Pavilion.

Once again we see the sword Sanford wields on us. I was at a family event yesterday and one of my second cousins from Yankton asked me, “When is Sioux Falls going to rename itself to Sanford Falls?” It may be sooner then we think.

9 Thoughts on “UPDATE: Dave Mathews in Sioux Falls for 3 nights, who knew?

  1. Paul ElevenHaken on October 20, 2019 at 12:49 pm said:

    Dave Matthews Band exists so they college freshman can think they’re intellectuals. Awful!

  2. As u mentioned in first paragraph, this is for the employees and their families. It wasn’t intended for public sales. Granted, Sanford has pull and controls many things (and current city administration let’s him) in the region, these 3 nights are a bonus for Sanford and Premier employees and perhaps that’s why it wasn’t broadcast.

  3. A "bonus" alright on October 20, 2019 at 2:45 pm said:

    Friday was Sanford night, Saturday was Premier night, and then Sunday is Sanford again.

    Saturday night, every Premier employee got at least a $500 bonus ($500 to $1500), which was announced at the concert.

    Denny and the boys, while on the stage, were all decked out in black Levy jeans and jackets with “Rock On” t-shirts, when they announced the bonuses.

    They bragged that they were 12th in the country in the issuing of MasterCard credit cards. They claimed to be one of the strongest banks in the country financially, which I do think is true.

    And, Matthews thanked the crowd for allowing him to be a part of the “party.”

    ( – and Woodstock asks: “Say, whatever happen to MasterCharge?”)

  4. if you truly want to “appreciate” employees, pay them more.

  5. Scott D Hudson on October 20, 2019 at 3:31 pm said:

    How “rock and roll” to be thankful to be a part of the Premier party. Ugh. Talk about sellouts.

  6. Wade Collusion on October 20, 2019 at 5:41 pm said:

    “…if you truly want to “appreciate” employees, pay them more.”

    Yah, but if you do that, you might empower people, give them a real future, and set off some kind of wage inflation or wage wars….. #WageCollusion

    ( – and Woodstock states: “‘Wage Wars?’…. I wonder whatever did happen to my Wii?”)

  7. So if the folks at the Royal Fork hire a ballon artist for their private company picnic at Sertoma park, will you bitch queens have the same cry baby problem?

    Your a jealous douche. You’ll only be happy when we all work for Dictator Liz Warren. Right Comrade.

  8. "Very Stable Genius" on October 20, 2019 at 11:27 pm said:


    To answer your question, I wouldn’t, but I would become further suspicious about Royal Fork chicken and rubber balloons, however.

    Oh, and when it comes to dictators, well, I prefer Liz over Don any day.

    ( – and Woodstock states: “What?…. Royal Fork holds company picnics?…. I hope they cater out.”)

  9. Warren Phear on October 21, 2019 at 6:58 am said:

    You’re a funny guy lj. trump is putins bitch, and you call Scott comrade in your best condescending way? LMFAO.

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