South DaCola

Is KSFY already transitioning reporters over to KDLT?

I had to chuckle a little bit while watching this video, at the end of the video, KSFY reporter, Jill Langland (who I haven’t seen for awhile on that station) closes by saying ‘Jill Langland, KDLT News’.

I checked to see if the same story was on KDLT or if Jill was listed as a reporter over there. Nope.

So I guess we already know who is going to transition to that station. Maybe they should tell Jill though that the transition really hasn’t taken place yet, or maybe this is a way of softly bracing the public for Jill’s transition 🙂

As we all have suspected, when GRAY bought KDLT, it probably won’t expand our news coverage, it just expands their bottom line with more advertisers. Maybe they should just have reporters from both stations sign off, ‘Reporting for KSFDLT news, so there is no future confusion.

Speaking of transitions, I see Bridgett Bennett didn’t last long in Sewer City, as I suspected she wouldn’t. She probably had some weird non-compete where she couldn’t be in the Sioux Falls market for a year, and since KCAU is owned by the same media company as Stormland TV, I’m sure they probably had this in the works for a while, but who knows? She will be replacing Sammi Be Yellin’.

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