South DaCola

Like their leader Trump, the SD GOP is full of it

Only one other person besides the SD GOP Chair could spread this much B.S. in two paragraphs, their leader, Trump;

Chairman Dan Lederman noted “It’s too bad that Democrat leadership decided they were bankrupt both financially as well as competing in the arena of ideas. Even more so today, the weight of finding solutions to our challenges and leading our state are strictly on the shoulders of the Republican party.”

“If Democrats want to find a way to get back on their feet in South Dakota, they need to come together with Republicans and listen to their neighbors about keeping taxes low, helping them live the American dream, and letting them prosper based on our own initiatives. That’s what the SDGOP has always believed, and our party’s sustained success reflects that.” Lederman said.

Let’s review;

• It’s called the ‘Democratic Party’. Republicans think they are cute when they call it the ‘Democrat Party’. The party has never changed their name. It’s their way of being childish and condescending, another thing their leader Trump is good at.

• While the Republican Party does have the numbers, their supposed majority leadership has only lead to multiple petition drives and initiatives that have been turned over by the voters.

• Sales taxes are actually regressive and harm the poorest in the state the most. When you look at property taxes in combination with sales taxes our taxes individually as middle class citizens actually have a high tax burden. The only ones getting enormous tax breaks are the rich and corporations. Why do you think Billions in trust accounts sit in our state or RVer’s register their address here. Do the math.

• As for living the ‘American Dream’ South Dakotans, while some of the most productive in the nation, get paid some of the lowest wages in almost every professional and technical field in the nation. On top of that, we have some of the most expensive public education institutions in the nation. The right to work laws and anti-organized labor initiatives of the SD GOP have made us into a prehistoric institution.

While it is unfortunate that the SD Democratic Party hasn’t been viable in years, it doesn’t help that the SD GOP has played this hoax of ‘Living the Dream’ on hard working South Dakotans. But that’s all the SD GOP and their fearless leader are good at, LYING, they have truly been successful on that front.

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