McGowan informed the County Commission he will be taking more time off in an email on Tuesday;

I just want to give you a head’s up that I’m having a complete knee replacement this Friday morning.  I hope to be back part time the following Monday.  I need to drive to Pierre on Tuesday, the 22nd, for a Controlled Substance State Task Force meeting.  I plan to be back full-time on Wednesday the 23rd.  I have shared this with my office and I’m ok with it being shared with the public if any questions are asked.


Aaron F. McGowan, Minnehaha County State’s Attorney

So he decided to tell the Commission and the public he will be gone for knee surgery for about two days but can’t tell them why he was gone for almost two months? WOW!

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Minnehaha County State’s Attorney McGowan will be taking more time off for medical leave”
  1. So let’s just throw out proper healing and therapy which should be 4 – 6 weeks. Doesn’t appear to be a sound decision medically.

  2. I doubt the public realizes how overwhelmed his office is. There’s a serious problem with crime and drugs. He can fight for a conviction but there’s no room in the jail. It would help if marijuana became a misdemeanor. However, it’s also time to expand the states attorney office and build more jail cells. Placing the blame on this over stressed person is not fair. It’s growth, crime, and culture. There are the rich but there’s the border line that’s a majority. Week to week is hardly progress. Eventually, you steal milk for the baby and get years in jail. Meanwhile, the last mayor stole millions in kickbacks but travels the state preaching ‘Listen & Learn’ gospel.

  3. Don’t count on him being out for just 2 days. According to his recent statements, he’s apparently at risk for suffering psychological trauma from medical procedures, a “trauma- and stressor-related disorder” in the DSM-5. He may need to go out on stress leave after the knee replacement.

  4. I just hope that all of this is just away to uniquely hide a Copper Lounge grand jury.

  5. Leave the guy alone. He has done nothing illegal and is trying to responsibly resolve some personal/health problems.

    Everyone eventually deals with difficulties. Additionally the stress at the office resulting from an overwhelmed office is not his fault.

    Daily Spin your are accurate, compassionate, and fair.

  6. Get Off His Back

    Leave the guy alone.

    Hopefully, he will do the responsible thing and not run for re-election.

    If he chooses to run, the public needs to do the responsible thing and vote him out of office.

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