I was put on alert of this investigation by Angela Kennecke since March of this year by some unnamed sources. I also know who the city officials are that tipped Angela off on these problems, and a certain Cajun transplant. I figured I would let it ‘run it’s course’ and happy to see she finally is reporting her findings.

It will be interesting to see what ‘developer’ Kennecke says owns these apartments, because there seems to be a dispute over LLCs. Imagine that!

I know, it isn’t a hard one to figure out.

I heard they are going to rename the garages turned apartments into the Village Copper Boomerang Estates 🙁

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “More Problems with a certain developer?”
  1. I thought Munson cleaned up this area of town, that the “Pettigrew Heights” branding was the final answer to all of this?

    You know, we are all going to end up living in garages, however, if the developers in this town don’t start building more affordable median-priced homes, too.

    Sioux Falls also appears to becoming a growing “Mecca” for many who come from the state’s reservations, and it is time that the city recognized this and began to demand a greater effort by our city developers to build more affordable housing as well.

    A course the mayor’s answer to all of this is to get rid of the name “affordable housing.” But then again, when you are into marketing, or Munsonian branding, over substance, then that would be about par for the taupesters in denial, who are currently running this town.

  2. I was hoping this would explain the grey box with a camera in it hanging on a street light for the past few months pointed at the lucky lady bar.

  3. Sad when affordable housing in a prosperous city is garages, sheds, tents, cardboard boxes, and teepees.

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