I found out yesterday that the new murals being painted in the South part of the new Raven’s parking lot may have gotten a fast track due to who owns the wall – the mayor.
While I have been literally bitching for years that more public art and murals should be downtown and across the city (in which I agree with Mayor TenHaken) I still think that the approval of these pieces should go through the proper channels.
For the record, the murals do follow the sign code ordinances and don’t advertise a specific business, and the ones that are done so far are pretty cool. That aside, it seems there really wasn’t a real process in getting these murals approved, and now I know why. The mayor still owns the building his former business, Click Rain occupies, so the murals are being painted on his property.
In all fairness to the process and openness I guess I would have let it play out like any other property owner asking for the same thing. Maybe it did, and if so, why not SHOW the public how this process works for educating others who want to pursue it?
I often tell people that government officials have a duty to not only delegate and lead, but they also have a greater duty of informing and educating the public on why they make decisions. It’s unfortunate I had to hear this thru the grapevine instead of from the administration.
But this of course doesn’t surprise me, just look at the 5G expansion.
Some people think great things get done in government if we keep it from the public. I have a word that describes those people; Dictators.
Huh, imagine a mural painted in different shades of taupe.
( – and Woodstock states: “And to think that a fundamentalist can be a happy painting hippie…. #EvenJesusWasNotAFundamentalist …. )
Why didn’t this go through the Historic Preservation process necessary to tear down the Raven building?
Where in the downtown design process was this placed?
Where in the Sioux Falls Art Council agenda was this?
Oh yea, it’s good to be the King….
The basic rule is that if you’re a relative of a city official or a prominent developer, do your thing. If you’re actually an artist, you’ll get fined. However, we want pictures before it’s painted over so the creativity is a record for posterity.