South DaCola

Sioux Falls City Council Agenda, Oct 29, 2019

The city council again this week is slacking, but hey, they deserve it, they (some of them) work hard.

Informational Meeting • 4 PM

Presentations on September financials, Supplemental Appropriations for storm cleanup and Professional services agreements for Public Safety Facility.

• As you can see below, tax collection is doing well. It was interesting to see entertainment tax revenue was down from last year September but lodging tax was up. I find it strange that the entertainment tax was down. I have been noticing on the weekends that there isn’t a big crowd hanging out downtown lately, it is kind of eery.

• Not sure why storm cleanup appropriations were tied into snow removal. Can’t wait to hear explanation.

• While we are hiring professional services for the public safety facility, we still haven’t got a clear pricetag. Not sure why.

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