South DaCola

We already pay for Project TRIM in Sioux Falls

I have often shook my head at this argument that the city can’t afford to trim THEIR trees in the boulevard;

In 2013, for instance, then-Councilors Kenny Anderson Jr. and Dean Karsky prompted an analysis on the costs of Project T.R.I.M. compared to what would happen if the city took over the trimming. No changes to the program materialized, however, after Parks Operation Manager Kelby Mieras estimated an annual price tag of $700,000 to hire contractors to trim trees in one-fifth of the city, the yearly cycle Project T.R.I.M. operates with.

First off, the boulevard is city property, owned collectively by taxpayers, and secondly we pay a frontage fee in our property taxes for the city to take care of it. In other words, besides curb and gutter repair, street repair and snowplowing, the city really should be trimming those trees and quite honestly fixing the sidewalks adjacent to the parking strip (boulevard).

Cities that do this have actually saw costs go down after a couple cycles of the city, because now they are being maintained on a regular basis. Cities like Brookings, Brandon and Kansas City all maintain the boulevard trees. Brandon has even admitted that the cost gets less each year because of the diligent maintenance. Duh.

Like I said, the city has the money, we know that, I don’t need to insert a rant here about all the crap we spend our 2nd and 1st penny on that has ZERO benefit or LITTLE benefit to citizens. And secondly, we already pay taxes for this care.

There of course is suspicion that the city will fudge the numbers to make it look expensive, but like I said above, it doesn’t matter, because we are already paying for the service.

Enough of the games, just trim the damn trees already!

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