South DaCola

While the SD Dem Party is in full collapse, the National Republican Party is dealing with the largest crisis in the history of their party

We both know that when you compare what goes on in DC and what goes on in SD they are two different things.

What surprises me about the SDDP debt is that it really isn’t that much. There are many high-ranking Dems in this state that could cut a check to pull the party out of it’s measly $40K debt. Heck, they could probably find 40 dems to give $1,000 each. I think a lot of long time Dems have become disenfranchised over the past 10 years due to the party leadership’s concerns about where school kids go to the bathroom instead of about better paying jobs for ALL South Dakotans, properly funded education, a fair taxation system and the farm economy.

I look at the party’s collapse as an opportunity for people in this state to re-invent the party as strong opposition to the party of Trump, one of the most crooked, corrupt and dishonest presidents in the history of this country. Heck, if the Dem party gets their poop in a group, I might even re-register as a Dem.

Speaking of Trump and the National Republican Party, it seems some of the party leaders are running scared;

Earlier this week, the conservative Daily Caller website asked the offices of each of the 53 Republican senators whether they opposed the impeachment and removal of President Donald Trump. Just seven of them said yes.Which is, well, verrrrrrry interesting. (Mike Marion Rounds was one of the 7)

And why wouldn’t they? Think about it, when (not if) the Congress AND Senate finds Mr. Trump guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, the National GOP will have NO choice but to cleanse themselves of him before he collapses the entire party. And if Republicans are good at one thing, it’s throwing their colleagues under the bus to save their own asses. Honestly though, I already think it is too late. The GOP should have never let him be the nominee, and they will paying for this for years.

So I recommend anyone considering running as a Dem in SD next year to get in early, because Nationally, it is going to be a really good year for Dems and a really miserable one for Republicans – now if we can just get SD voters to grow a brain before next November.

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