This interview from 2017 has blown me away. While Trump is NOT really brought up, you get the feeling why Trump likes him so much.

By l3wis

One thought on “Why Trump and Putin are so similar”
  1. Except, that Putin is much smarter. Trump and Putin were most likely separated at birth with Putin getting more oxygen at that time. But overtime, Trump has become a Russian asset in the White House. And, when Trump’s reign eventually does come to an end, can you imagine just how much of our national security apparatus will need to be re-written, re-developed, and/or inverted so as to prevent Trump’s debriefings to Putin and his people to have any significant value? Who would have thought that a guy with some bone spurs would eventually be such a great threat to our national security, huh? …. #MakingRussiaGreatAgain

    ( – and Woodstock adds: “Something tells me that Putin was more, than a ‘B’ student, however.”)

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