You can say what you want about Stehly, but she warned that the Parking Department Enterprise Funds would NOT be able to support the bond payments for the Bunker Ramp, and this is why we used the 2nd Penny Road Funds for collateral;
Mayor Paul TenHaken wants the City Council to dip further into the city parking fund to come up with another $1.5 million, which his administration says is needed to open the ramp. Using that cash would drain the account the city is using to pay back the $18.5 million it borrowed to build the ramp, making it more likely that the city could need to dip into tax dollars to pay off the debt.
Once again folks, we are dipping into our infrastructure funds for projects that have nothing to do with needed infrastructure.
UPDATE: Joe Sneve found this great quote from TenHaken;
“Unfortunately, the public doesn’t have all the facts and getting at the ones the taxpayers do have has been a challenge. The City government needs to be open and transparent with taxpayer dollars, which includes settlements like the one in question. We all can agree that bringing openness to historically closed door processes of City government is a great move,†Paul TenHaken told KSFY News while campaigning for mayor.
It has gotten so bad that a penny, which was once used for cars on the move, will now be used for cars that are just sitting around.
( and Woodstock adds: “Yah, times have changed”….”It use to be ‘a penny saved is a penny earned'”….. “Now, it’s just a ‘Someday’ hope that you can gain interest from something already spent”… (“‘interest’ all right, who in the hell would want that thing?”… “Even the neighbors hate it.”))
And the Mike Huether debacle continues. Worst mayor in Sioux Falls history. A man no political party will represent.
Couldn’t Denny just help us out with this one, too? Perhaps, the Bunker Ramp could be turned into the Huether Mayoral Library and Museum?
( – and Woodstock adds: “Oh boy, I want to go to that museum’s gift shop”….. “Perhaps there, I could buy a chunk of the EC siding samples (To put next to my Berlin Wall chunk from Ronny’s library)… Or, a HO train set with high speed trains stationed in a Brandon like town” ….”Or, hey, how about a collector’s set of ‘On the Road’ tapes in VHS or Beta format, too?”….)
Councilors Stehly and Starr.
The only ‘NO’ votes.
If they decide to run for a second term, both are up for re-election in April.
Stehly At-Large
Starr Northeast District