South DaCola

‘Caller of the Day’ wants government to stop doing things for us!

I would have to agree with this gentleman, let’s STOP having government do things for us (like keeping our streets safe for travel and cleaning up after natural disasters). I would expect to get a refund for all the taxes I pay for these services then. I mean why should I pay for all these ‘services’ and get nothing in return for it? Makes sense? Right? Just look at the money we would save if we didn’t have to pay for snow removal, fire department and educating our youth! Heck, let’s get rid of the military to! That would save us trillions in taxes each year.

I don’t get people who think when government provides us a service for something we can’t do individually they think it is a ‘handout’. We pay taxes for a reason. Clean the damn streets when they are covered with snow and ice, or stop taxing me for it! Make up your mind already.

Whether you want to believe it or not, we are already a socialist democracy, this isn’t something Bernie Sanders is making up, we are already there!

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