South DaCola

Dusty Johnson proposes idiotic legislation on plant based meat patties

As you can see from the label, it already says ‘Plant-Based’. It’s actually a selling point to people who don’t want to eat meat, but Dusty doesn’t think it is enough;

Representative Dusty Johnson is co-sponsoring a bill aimed at labeling plant-based beef as “imitation” meat.

The Real Meat Act proposed that beef not made from cows, be labeled “imitation” before or after the name of on the front package.

In a statement, Rep. Johnson says, “a plant-based creation isn’t the same as South Dakota beef. It’s a benefit of consumers and producers alike when folks have a better understanding of where their food comes.”

I’m wondering when Congress is going to finally pass and implement country of origin labeling and make it stick for beef? (It was passed in 2013 and repealed in 2015/16). If COOL was still in effect it would have a HUGE impact on sales of SD Beef (they would sell MORE), but Dusty seems to be concerned that people that are eating plants shaped like burgers are being duped.


I propose we start labeling our lone representative in DC as an ‘Imitation’ Congressman.

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