One Thought on “Kermit Staggers Tribute

  1. Warren Phear on December 2, 2019 at 6:40 am said:

    About ten years ago our neighborhood was hit with a surprise from the city. Hidden in the weeds on a very small placard was an intention to rezone about 10 acres of land from residential to light industrial. Was troubling to us as a neighborhood as we had been promised that land would always be zoned residential. We went to a council meeting in numbers and each spoke our piece. We figured the vote would be against us going in. As it turned out, the vote was 7-1 in our favor. The one dissenting voice? Kermit. If nothing else Kermit was highly principled. I disagreed with him on that one but found myself aligned with his principles on many many other issues. He was a good man.

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