November 2019

SD Democratic Party Vice Chair agrees to stay on as chair

Randy sent out this email Monday;

It has been suggested by many that for continuity purposes, I continue as Chair through the 2020 elections.  After some soul-searching and against my wife’s advice, I am willing with the blessing/consent of the SCC to stay on as Chair through the 2020 elections and on into early 2121, when we will revisit this matter.

Randy Seiler

This is PART of his email, they are also looking for a treasurer and has an interested person.

City of Sioux Falls proposing public incentives before development is even built

Wow! This is a crazy first. The city of Sioux Falls wants to spend up to $10 million dollars of public money on the River Greenway expansion to make a development more attractive that hasn’t even been built yet;

Phase three would see the trail system extended between the upper falls at Falls Park to Kiwanis Park, which sits between Sioux Steel and the river.

Shouldn’t we wait to see the final plans of the Sioux Steel Development before we start building this? And if the city has already seen these plans, why are they NOT being shared with the public before we are asked to borrow the money? I may not be opposed if I could see the plans.

A link to the presentation.

This developer welfare is getting old and tiresome, it gets even more worrisome when it is done in secret.

UPDATE: SD Republican Party’s Deafening Silence

Isn’t it funny how the Iowa Jew who runs the South Dakota Republican party loves to mouth off about how horrible the Dems are in our state but has absolutely NOTHING to say about Butina’s involvement in the state party and some of it’s operatives?

Not a peep.

And then there’s this trade delegation organized by Democratic State Representative Michael Saba who apparently says it is going so well it may open other trade negotiations besides ag products.

Once again, not a word from Iowa . . . uh . . . I mean South Dakota Republicans.

UPDATE: I guess I’m an anti-semite because I called the leader of the SD GOP a Jew from Iowa. He is a Jew from Iowa. That’s not anti-semitism, that’s a FACT! My point has nothing to do with him being a Jew, my point has been all along that the Christian Right Wing Republican party in South Dakota, who constantly are telling us about their SOUTH DAKOTA VALUES and CHRISTIAN BELIEFS are ran by an IOWAN who is NOT CHRISTIAN.

They really struggle with the truth.