I first want to make a correction. According to council staff the police department is the department that is pushing for this and NOT Councilor Kiley (though I have heard differently). That aside, several councilors questioned charging non-profits for this due to economic impact at today’s informational meeting. Councilors Erickson and Starr were the most vocal. Starr went on to ask Deputy Chief of Staff, TJ Nelson if the city would be giving rebates to the non-profits putting on these events because of the massive economic impact.

Erickson talked about youth sporting events.

There was some discussion about maybe separating non-profit from for-profit events (which makes sense). They all agreed that more discussion needs to happen before they move forward.

I remembered when we were told about the economic impact of the veteran’s cemetery and why it was a good idea to gift the land.

While I think it is appropriate to charge for for-profit events, I’m not sure it is wise to charge non-profit events. As Starr also pointed out, if we need more money for staff and overtime for the officers, they should budget for it instead of tying it into this. I think he said something like the police union got ‘HOSED’ by the city last year in contract negotiations.

Another funny moment was when Erickson asked about how you determine something is a political rally/protest which is considered a 1st Amendment event and the city could not charge for police security. She jokingly said (and she did apologize for the comparison) that what if the Zombie Walk parade said it was actually a political event to bring awareness to pro-life issues 🙂

By l3wis

15 thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Councilors question the fees for police service”
  1. Since when is a private political fundraiser a 1st Amendment event?

    ( – and Woodstock adds: “Yah, but a conservative Supreme Court once said that money was free speech”….”So I guess if you have the money, you get to buy the ‘free speech exception,’ too.”)

  2. I posted this on the Sioux Falls Politics FB group, but I thought it was worth repeating here.

    It does seem like this is an effort by the PD to get additional over-time for their officers. By charging non-profits, they can use off-duty officers and give them over-time instead of re-assigning school resource officers and traffic officers as they do now.

  3. What was this part of your post about? It just seems randomly throw in with the rest of the post. Was there an issue brought up at the meeting about the veterans cemetery that some dont think the land should have been gifted?

    “I remembered when we were told about the economic impact of the veteran’s cemetery and why it was a good idea to gift the land.”

  4. MP, police pay and scheduling structure has NOTHING to do with charging these events. They are two separate issues. If the SFPD wants to get paid better or better schedules, that is something they need to hash out with the union and city. As Starr pointed out, if you need more money, just ask and we will budget for it.

  5. Erica, the council fully supported the gift, my point was one of the selling arguments of gifting the land was the economic impact.

  6. The city donating land for the vet cemetery was appropriate. As a vet I’ll be buried at Sturgis. I can never forgive the 5 years the city unconstitutionally harassed me.
    Erickson had a nice little humorous quip. It’s refreshing that the council uses humor some.
    Can’t there be camera placement for most events, public or private? It’s evidence that prompts dispatching officers as needed instead of constant presence. It’s a future method for reducing police budget. Cameras don’t need overtime and a cushy retirement. There’s no breaks for donuts.

  7. Interesting how the city places so much value in giving TIFs to a few people but doesn’t see value in public events that bring many together. How many people have benefited in a half million donation to pickle ball court?

    Now that we know it’s the PD that’s behind this, I have to wonder if it’s officers who are often paid by events for security for their “off duty” time who are doing the complaining? Do they feel that their not getting their cut?

    I’ve many times stood up for all police, but I’m also uncomfortable with the way the “off duty security” is promoted by our local governments.

  8. City government is a well for private developers in the form of TIF’s and favors. The budget gets oriented their direction with guarranteed CMAR contract awards and profits. City officials thrive on consideration from a few affluent benefactors and contract kickbacks.

    Something that benefits the public would be unusual and not in accordance with the charter. We’re Scientologists that call ourselves citizens of Sioux Falls. If L Ron Hubbard we’re alive, he’d be king with SeaOrg lieutenants in the form of city leaders.

  9. You know, zombies are a lot like anti-choice people. They both gather in groups and look at you with scary eyes, which appear to look through you without any sense of self thought or determination.

  10. Hemp should be legal. It grows wild in ditches. It’s up to me if I want to smoke my underwear. Hemp is smooth. Cotton is toxic.

  11. them pro-lifer’s are attracted like bugs to all that fake blood the zombie walkers leave behind

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