South DaCola

UPDATE: This is the reason we should NOT let greed drive development

UPDATE: I guess they are called breakaway netting that is designed to do this in high wind. I guess it makes sense, but seems like a gigantic pain in the ass.

Oh boy, guess what happened?

A picture taken Saturday morning showed a number of the nets surrounding the building’s driving range had been blown from their poles following the week’s ice, snow and high winds.

Who knew we would have problems with high winds and ice in Sioux Falls? That has never happened before? Wait until our global warming inspired thunderstorms roll through this place, it will turn out to be a real gem.

As I mentioned in September, I wondered how something like this could be permitted. One of the concerns I did not mention is the winds. I guess there is quite a bit of light pollution at night coming off the place to.

This is what happens when our planning department is ran by greed instead of logic. This silly contraption should have never been assembled or at least built in a different way. But like most things in this town, everything has to be slapped together overnight. And here are the results.

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