South DaCola

While the Minnehaha County Commission cries about monthly financial reports they ignore justice

So the CC picks their boogers and wonders why Pammy can’t give them something (they should have asked for) but they don’t question the State’s Attorney about why he doesn’t prosecute cases? Then CC Barth said this;

“It’ll make a difference for me,” he said. “I’m not inclined to subsidize inaction. I’m also thinking about the issues that were touched on in the attorney general’s investigation. His lack of openness toward the issue makes it so he should consider not running. If you’re going to live in the political eye, you don’t live under a blanket.”

Many people have reached out to me about this. They have all said the same, “Should the County Commission have known this was going on?” apparently not. It reminds of when the Sioux Empire Fair lady was taking money. We pay county commissioners to be the checks and balances against this kind of corruption yet they don’t say anything until it explodes in their faces. Fraud. Financials. Addiction issues. Then they bitch, and scold, and have temper tantrums. You are asked by citizens to watch this stuff, and when the toilet overflows you blame the turd instead of blaming the crap you ate last night. Pay attention already! It is your job, it is your ONLY job! Represent us! Dig hard! And hold people accountable.

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