8 Thoughts on “Amy Klobuchar in Sioux Falls, Dec 23, 2019

  1. That’s a really nice house. Did she piss and moan about the wealthy in person?

  2. "Very Stable Genius" on December 24, 2019 at 1:57 pm said:

    The Obama economy is too strong right now. No one can stop Trump from a second term. Yes, it is the Obama economy.

    Trump is president and his numbers are rising because the Democratic Party, which once protected a middle class that took its kids on vacation to Wind Cave, now hold a political rally in a home that is worth $1.3 million.

    Realistically as Democrats, we must prepare for a second term Trump. We must prepare for the arrogance, audacity, and intimidating realities of it as well. This term will also coincide with a continually warming planet, a building China, and an AI which will take away many of the jobs over the next decade, which currently fuel our economy. While the overall economy itself will begin to collapse in the new decade as the Obama economy will overtime become known as the Trump economy with its lack of regulatory common sense, which in turn, will bring down this Trump economy for the same reasons that other supply-sider presidents like Reagan and Bush43 saw happen to theirs.

    How did we get here as a political party? How did we allow our nation to get here? We got here because the politics of pragmatism became the norm for our political party, when it should have been nothing more than a token of peace with the other side instead of as a trick to maintain relevance, as the Democratic Party went from being a party that helps people to a party that barters in particular constituencies, in order, to hopefully mine enough votes to win and or maintain some type of relevance.

    There is a darkness ahead of us and history will call upon the Democratic Party to save us and our nation, but we will not be able to save our party and nation until we find our political soul once again; and that soul will not be found in pragmatism, rather it will be found in sincerity to who we really are and must still be, in order, to be a relevant political party and a party that once again works for the American people, who for the most greater part do not live in executive homes.

  3. The Guy from Guernsey on December 26, 2019 at 9:44 pm said:

    “… the Obama economy …”
    Words never spoken during any of the 8 years of the Obama administration. By anyone. Not even the Great Orator himself. Too busy blaming Bush for that which took place up to 10 years earlier.
    Fast forward nearly 2 years beyond the election of his successor. Now out of office, The Great Orator finally steps forward to claim responsibility for the economy, reminding us, “Let’s just remember when this recovery started…”
    Now local Democratic party leaders are even portending that Donald Trump will be re-elected while rationalizing that it will be … the result of the Obama economy(!) … in the 4th year of the Trump presidency(!!)

  4. If Trump is re-elected I will go to the country of my dreams, and ironically of some of my ancestors, Switzerland, and eat cheese and honey until I die. I cracked up the other day watching a video of Democratic debate watchers describing Trump voters in one word, they said, racist, ignorant, misinformed, stupid, and various other stuff. I think they were just on the tip of the iceberg.

  5. "Very Stable Genius" on December 26, 2019 at 11:40 pm said:

    The bottom of the Great Recession was July of 2009 (six months into Obama). It wasn’t until 2012, that the positive effects of the recovery began to be noticed. It was the first year you began to see rebound in the real estate market. Clinton’s strong and lasting economy lasted eight years. 2012 plus 8 is 2020. Yes, it’s the Obama economy with a Trumpian de-regulatory zinger, which is going to collapse after 2020 due to de-reg.

    Keep in mind, Trump’s numbers have been rising and what is the Democratic message beyond hating Trump?

    Recently, a federal Appellate Court did a number on ObamaCare, which could put in jeopardy a lot, like the prevention of pre-exisitng condition clauses, but have the Democrats been talking about this? What is our message beyond impeachment and hating Trump?

    Democrats think that a few more votes in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, and then the problem is solved. It’s not that easy. Democrats have shown an increase strength due to 2018 and 2019 results, but that is with Trump off the ballot. You put Trump back on the ballot and then the “racist, ignorant, misinformed, stupid, and various other stuff” will return to their respective voting precincts.

    Democrats need an economic message, which is hard to form as long as, in an aggregate sense, the economy is strong. The average “stupid” Joe doesn’t understand or care about de-regulatory fears, but that Joe will feel the brunt of its ugly reality in the next four years.

    Plus you watch, Trump will come up with some bogus deal with the Chinese on trade and some weak nuclear agreement with North Korea all in the next year, which will all help him on the surface. Just as Nixon did, when he went to China in ’72.

    Trump and Nixon are a lot like, except their presidencies are inverse into what will play out over time; and Trump is protected by media like FOX, his manipulation of social media itself, and the ability of his “stupid” followers to tune out what they want and tune in what they want. Plus, unlike Nixon, Trump is an extrovert which works to his advantage in using social media, while Nixon at best would have Tweeted back in the day maybe a picture of Checkers.

    I am quickly losing my confidence, that Trump can be beat in 2020; but then again I also warned people of Trumps election back in the fall of ’15 and early ’16 with people laughing at me then, so for now, I expect laughter once again.

  6. "Very Stable Genius" on December 27, 2019 at 11:48 am said:

    Oh, and the one good thing about a Trump re-election is that it pushes back the civil war by about four years. Because when Trump does have to leave, he won’t, and his people will build a perimeter around him, you watch.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “What is this, a third world country where we cage people, praise dictators, and talk about one’s generals, or what?”….”OH WHAT, YIKES!”)

  7. Los Klobos Bois on December 28, 2019 at 10:33 am said:

    Uh, any word on who got a binder thrown at them for confusing Sioux Falls and Sioux City?

    The sign of a truly struggling presidential campaign is coming to a late primary state with a decimated democratic party.

    Although, I truly believe that they got the cities confused. Her campaign is incompetent on so many levels.

    The only thing funnier than her being here is tens of democrats who couldn’t help but drool all over their ill-fitting suits over the chance to see a member of the US Senate’s minority party.


  8. "Woodstock" on December 28, 2019 at 3:44 pm said:

    ‘It’s amazing how often others confuse Sioux City with Sioux Falls, but there is a very simple solution to it all. Just remember, that Sioux City has an old arena which they refurbished, while Sioux Falls has a new Events Center with dented siding.”

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