South DaCola

Kristi ‘Donita’ Trump Noem’s family has been welfare queens for years

The story Stormland-TV did about Kristi giving her daughter a $20K a year raise in less then two years shouldn’t surprise anyone. Noem’s family has gotten millions in farm subsidies for years, and who can forget the tax payers of Sioux Falls providing $20K in security as an in kind gift to her campaign’s private fundraiser with our ‘Hoax’ of a president. Maybe Kennedy Noem is going to donate her raise to the city of Sioux Falls 🙂

I did chuckle a little at this graphic though. (BTW-when you are pointing out nefarious activities by elected officials, probably best not to use their Glamor Shots photo) The first thing I thought was, ‘Kennedy may be making half of what Paul makes, but probably shows up to work twice as much as he does.’ I still find it a little strange that a guy pushing for 5G technology doesn’t know how to use a phone to communicate instead of flying everywhere – oh – unless he is trying to chastise female political opponents, then he is Chatty Cathy.

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