Some of this stuff sounds familiar;
For those who do decide to fight the elements and go vote, they could be disappointed upon arriving at the school to find that their voting location has been moved. There is a good possibility under this scenario for them to say, “Heck with it,†and go home, thus not casting their vote.
You mean like only having super precincts in only the Southern part of the District?
Now, you’ve noticed that I haven’t taken a stand on whether or not we should vote for the $180 million, (actually $280 million).
Another thing that sounds familiar, hiding the ‘interest’ from voters.
Well, that’s not my point. What I’m attempting to do is hit home that in the year 2020, on said date, Feb. 25, the Rapid City schools are making a cold (no pun intended), calculated strike to stop as many voters as possible from showing up at the polls to vote, thus passing the $280 million dollar bond issue. There, I said it!
And you better be prepared for Soviet level returns. Some will be wondering if a school bond passed or if Putin just got elected as president of Rapid City.
I have heard several rumors that certain school officials from the SFSD have quietly ‘consulted’ the RCSD on how to conduct their election. I of course have no proof of this, because as we have seen, both districts operate in complete secrecy. But it would NOT surprise me, even if officials from the RCSD did not sit down with SFSD officials, that it is pretty easy to take a page from Sioux Falls by watching how it played out here.
While I still believe the SFSD bond would have passed anyway, I think some of the tricks they played along the way skewed the poll numbers (we still haven’t been able to access the ballots to count them ourselves, if they even still exist). I highly suggest RC voters demand a fair election, in all precincts, on a NICE day. If they don’t and it gets to a Soviet level, I also suggest you ask to recount the votes yourself.
Given the demographics of Rapid City compared to Sioux Falls, it might be easier to file an injunction against super precincts in a Rapid City School District election based on racial discrimination and/or disenfranchisement.
Super precinct usage in the Sioux Falls School District is a stain upon our local school district. It needs to end and the ACLU needs to get off their ass and put a stop to it; and until they address this issue, the ACLU is giving themselves the appearance of having been co-opted by our local school district.
There is only one hope for education short of dismantling the Department of Ed in exchange for block grants from the Fed to States, that is to make all school board elections to be held in conjunction with other district wide elections.
Voting machines are from 2 manufacturers. Most are from a private entity without identified principals. Parts come from China. It’s suspicious. Our vote counts but there might be lots of grave stone absentee voters.