Noem takes money from Foreign Oil Company for her party

Well there is one thing Kristi has learned in DC, if someone is writing you a check, just cash it, don’t worry about conflicts;

Organizers of South Dakota Gov.-elect Kristi Noem’s inaugural celebration have raised at least $162,500 from roughly 30 large donors including major health systems, big energy companies and state industry groups.

Top-tier donations to the city of Pierre’s inaugural committee include $12,500 from Avera Health, $10,000 from biofuels producer POET and $10,000 from Keystone XL oil pipeline developer TransCanada.

Am I the only one that finds it ironic she takes money from a tar sands oil company and in the same breath a donation from an ethanol company. I guess she is trying to cover both bases. And while I write this I am watching a tribal member do the opening prayer in Lakota at her inauguration. The trifecta!

I also find it a little ironic that she can whip up $162K in donations with a wink of the eye, but can’t scrape together $20K for her personal security at a private fundraising event in Sioux Falls. It’s going to be a rough 4 years folks. If you think Janks and Rounds were corrupt, you have another thing coming.

Former SFPD Chief, Barthel ‘NOW’ concerned about drug crime

I heard he is proposing legislation to prosecute ghosts when they shoot at officers in parks.

One of the most glaring right issues now has to do with the meth and opioid crisis and what the legislature should do in response.

When it comes to any possible changes to state drug laws, former Sioux Falls police chief and current Sioux Falls Republican Rep. Doug Barthel said he would be leery to make any type of change to the state’s drug ingestion laws.

“I know we’re the only state in the country that makes ingestion a felony, but I do think there should be consequences just because of the fact you’ve taken the drug and now have it in your system you should be able to get off scott-free. I don’t think that’s right.”

LOL. Doug is suddenly concerned about drug use and crime. Must have fell and hit his head since he left the city. He said this in 2015 while blowing off crime in Sioux Falls;

Sioux Falls Police Chief Doug Barthel says the same things that help the city attract positive attention, and a growing population, also attract crime.

“Over that time period we’ve seen our city grow by almost 20,000 people. We just know there’s a certain number of people who are going to want to commit crimes,” Barthel said.

It’s a population issue I guess.


Sioux Falls City Council Informational (1/2/2019)

During public input (at the end) I remind the city council how stupid it was to create an internal audit committee and department after ONE person violated city charter (Mayor Munson, Phillips to the Falls cost overrun) and NO one pressed charges against him. I don’t know, wouldn’t it be setting an example by charging him with violating city charter and forcing him to resign instead of creating a department that never fixed the problem at hand? Corruption in the Mayor’s office.

I also touched on having a city ordinance that requires Directors and Managers of the city to live within the city, due to emergency situations. I expressed my dismay that SF was good enough to work for, and collect a paycheck from, but not good enough to live in.

And lastly I discussed how the 5G lease agreements could help pay for Metro 911. I think that went straight over their heads.

Noem’s 1st order of business, violating separation of church and state

“I saw the light, I saw the light, no more laws, no more rights.” – NOT Hank Sr.

Got to hand it to Noem, besides not refunding the city of Sioux Falls for her own personal security detail, she now wants to hold (X-tian) church services in the Capital Rotunda (wonder if she will reimburse the good taxpayers of the state for use of the facility and utilities?);

Gov.-Elect Kristi Noem’s campaign says she will hold a prayer service in the Capitol rotunda Sunday, her first full day as governor.”On my first full day as governor, I will be hosting a Sunday morning prayer and worship service in the Capitol rotunda,” Noem wrote in an email to supporters. “Please join me and my family as we dedicate the next four years to the Lord and spend some time worshiping Him.”

The service will take place at 10 a.m. Sunday. Noem and other statewide officers will be inaugurated Saturday.

Well maybe she will leave me alone while she concentrating on the X-tian God? I expect all kinds of unconstitutional boloney that will keep our barely brain functioning AG busy. It’s going to be a very scary 4 years.