Isn’t it sad? Riot boosting, petitioning, etc. Why does our state legislature continue to pass laws that are violations of our 1st Amendment rights? I will tell you why, because we are allowing a super majority to legislate us.

I have often been baffled by how South Dakotans vote for initiatives that overturn the foolishness and inaction in Pierre yet continue to send these same fools to Pierre.

Want to have fewer initiatives on the ballot? Start electing legislators that pass laws that benefit you and that can hold up to a constitutional smell test.

I told Cory when he first announced he was suing the state over this issue he would win, I considered it a ‘slam dunk’ and if you read the opinion of the judge, it is very apparent. Cory pointed out to me that this paragraph says it all in the ruling;

And that’s all our legislature really does, put’s regulations on our rights to petition the government. And instead of apologizing and vowing to stop passing these restrictions they argue they are right;

Rep. Jon Hansen, a Republican from Dell Rapids, sponsored the bill to regulate petitioners last year. He disagreed with the ruling and said the law was intended to prevent out-of-state petitioners from influencing South Dakota laws.

If Hansen and his fellow lawmakers were so concerned about out of state influence, maybe they should stop taking marching orders from ALEC and the NRA. The party and it’s members also receive millions in donations from out of state entities. I would go so far to say that Noem could not have been elected if it weren’t for out of state contributions. It’s the norm with the SD GOP, it’s okay for them to not follow the rules, but the rest of us minions have to. This time they got their butts handed to them, and rightfully so.

2 Thoughts on “GOP controlled South Dakota Legislature continues to pass unconstitutional laws

  1. Constitutional rights apply to every person in the US equally. There are no differences between the states. We fought the single most deadly war in our history to assure this is the case. These guys ought to just admit, they’d rather be flying the Stars and Bars to the Stars and Stripes.

  2. "Very Stable Genius" on January 14, 2020 at 1:39 pm said:

    “If you favor the status quo and oppose change, you are not regulated. If you favor change of one sort or another, you are extensively regulated.”

    Couldn’t this argument be used in court against the city’s Charter Revision Committee, too?

    ( and Woodstock adds: “What if you shop for a partisan judge from Mitchell to overturn IM22, who’s regulating that?”….)

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