NOTE: I had to edit the 2nd slide because the dates were wrong on the city’s presentation. I passed the information along, so it will likely be fixed tomorrow.

NOTE: I had to edit the 2nd slide because the dates were wrong on the city’s presentation. I passed the information along, so it will likely be fixed tomorrow.
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So “they” give you a month to get your signatures, then “they” want you to stand in line at a super precinct, huh?
And did you notice they chose the shortest month, too?
In the old Eastern Bloc countries, this was good enough, but then they just had one candidate on the ballot, too, but in good old America, why is this happening?
( and Woodstock adds: “But have you noticed?”…. “So far, for the most part, we only have one candidate per race, too”…. #They…. #Coincidence….)
“… the dates were wrong on the city’s presentation.”
More sterling work from our City Clerk?
And it is still wrong
only alex jensen supporters have been told the real voting date.
Alex Jensen is too much like Alex Jones. Using the wrong date is classic InfoWars.