There is only an informational meeting this week,
Presentations on golf course contract updates, landscape agreements, triage center, and election updates.
The golf course contract update has taken an interesting twist (FULL DOC);
Good Afternoon City Councilors,
We wanted to share a summary of what we plan to present to you at the informational meeting next Tuesday, January 28th regarding golf course operations. We have received an inquiry from the Argus Leader asking for golf course data in advance of the informational, therefore, we are sharing this with you in advance of the Argus story that is likely to run this week.
So what is the big news story? Oh, it’s good (but really bad);
So our private contractor in charge of managing and promoting our city courses is exploring an RFP to run the Brandon Golf Course. If this course was in Elkpoint, Sioux City or even Mitchell, I wouldn’t see an issue with it, but this is in a community RIGHT NEXT TO SIOUX FALLS! This is a major conflict. I’m not a golfer, but I do know a lot of golf fanatics, they shop regionally, in other words they will play courses all over the region.
This is just another reason why we should have just renewed the contract with Dakota Golf. They would have NEVER explored running another course that is basically in a suburb of Sioux Falls.
Ironically, I am not surprised. As I have said several times about local government, it is predictable, and the scams run amok like clockwork.