Sioux Falls city councilor Stehly’s yearly mailed newsletter hit the mailboxes today in Sioux Falls. I know that it was mailed to a ‘significant’ amount of Sioux Falls registered voters. This is NOT a campaign piece. Theresa has NOT announced if she is running for a second term and paid for the printing and postage out of her personal funds and NOT from city tax dollars or campaign donations (I don’t think she has any campaign money). It’s a fantastic read! I did NOT contribute and didn’t know about it until today when I saw it posted on Facebook on the SF Politics page (they actually deleted the post after I pointed out they were promoting it, while bitching about it). Theresa sent me the PDF version below;


7 Thoughts on “The Stehly Report

  1. "name in quotes for no reason" on January 29, 2020 at 7:59 pm said:

    I would think the “God” part would piss you off. Or is that only when an elected official you don’t like uses any reference to religion?

  2. I believe in God, I don’t believe in dogma. There is a difference.

  3. Does the report only get mailed out to specific areas of the city? I have never seen such a report in my mailbox. Only thing I have ever received in last couple years regarding city issues is ONE postcard mailer for someone running for a seat in the last election and that is it.

  4. "Very Stable Genius" on January 30, 2020 at 1:49 am said:

    Hey, Unstable Genius, I mean ‘niqfnr’ (Gosh darn it!).

    When a state legislator uses the Bible as a source, that’s a problem. But when a politician wishes you the best via their belief structure, which they perceive as peaceful and caring, then that is called being diplomatic and welcoming.

  5. D@ily Spin on January 30, 2020 at 9:17 am said:

    I read it. Very informative. I liked guest post articles. The piece about the parking ramp is the first honesty I’ve seen about this problem.

  6. anonymous on January 31, 2020 at 9:49 am said:

    Usually in the Shopping News.

    Not in the January 29th issue. ?

  7. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on February 1, 2020 at 3:44 am said:

    Once again, it beats the Drudge Report.

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