Whether Stehly or someone else runs against Jensen they really need to look at his voting record. He never sponsored any legislation himself and only co-sponsored two bills, one failed.
He voted for the half-penny sales tax increase for teacher pay, that has failed miserably yet we continue to pay. So we know how he stands on tax increases.
He also has several votes discriminating against transgender youth.
He voted against background checks for concealed carry permit.
He also co-sponsored a youth minimum wage (which was later overturned by an initiative).
It seems Jensen’s ‘Proven’ record is higher taxes, less gun safety and discrimination against young people. With a record like that, who wouldn’t support him?
theresa or anyone else over the puppet.
I wondered about that vacuous “proven” claim by this little empty suit. Just like a good little Trumper to exaggerate/oversimplify/lie. Thanks for the enlightenment.
There are a lot of millennials coming to the polls. Their choice is based on looks and kissing babies. Likely, he’ll win. Staunch Republicans will afford him support that’s mostly financial. He’ll be groomed for oligarch profit vote in the city autocracy. Likely, he’ll serve 2 terms and be elected mayor 2 terms. The only consolation is that any Sioux Falls mayor never makes it into state or federal office. It’s important that we always have an opportunity to move neighboring outside city limits. It will be entertaining to watch the city grow into nothing but parking ramps.
Soon ‘Alex!’ will have his big signs out and dogs are excited.
I vote at every election, been doing so for 58 years.
The election is 8 weeks away. Can’t remember a time when I have heard NOTHING from a candidate so close to an election.
He declared his candidacy months ago…..guess he doesn’t have anything to say!
His support of the “bathroom bill” and like legislation would have cost Sioux Falls millions in revenue to businesses and in taxes had the bill not been vetoed and the NCAA made good on their promise to pull tournaments from South Dakota. Stupid-reckless.
Theresa please announce we need some one who care about the people not another yes man like the four there.
He has been knocking on doors. I heard his (NON)campaign manager has been crunching the numbers in Lincoln County where PTH won huge and they are going to try to get those people out to vote. We will see, but historically while they do vote in partisan races they rarely show up for non-mayoral year city elections.
So, he voted for a “bathroom bill,” and now he’s “knocking on doors?” That’s interesting. And from best we can tell, he cares more for Taupeville, than Tocqueville, too.
The track record of this candidate, well established from his brief legislative stint in Pierre, is that Alex Jensen does not care that which you, one of his common constituents, may think or want for him to act/advocate on your behalf.
He quickly became part the ruling cabal in Pierre, always smarter than their constituents, who act with priority to subvert the will of the voting public. His co-sponsorship of the youth minimum wage bill is prime example.
Alex Jensen! He didn’t care what you thought when he ‘served’ you in Pierre. Why do you think he will care what you think as a City Councilor?
needs to announce one way or the other soon. is there anyone waiting in the wings if she doesn’t? are you listening knobe?