No women, and not sure if any of them are a minority (one name appears to be of hispanic descent).
Today I helped welcome 12 new Sioux Falls Police Department recruits and their families to the City of Sioux Falls – Municipal Government and to a career of public safety and service. A Marine, Blackhawk pilot, National Guardsman, child services professional, University of Iowa graduate, corrections officer, and many other backgrounds ready for training and answering the call to public safety in Sioux Falls. Please join me in welcoming them! #OneSiouxFalls
This afternoon, Judge Houwman administered the oath to 12 new officers for the Sioux Falls Police Department. They will have several weeks of training before hitting the streets. Congratulations Emilio Hernandez, Mason Millard, Joe Hayes, Isaac Anderson Drew Zoellner, Tanner Pollema, Matthew Jock, Jacob Juelfs, Sam Buhr, Aaron Bennett, Jason Skallberg, and Kyle Grim! /713
The mayor also helped welcome the new recruits with his pants down. Now that’s ‘ONE’ Sioux Falls alright!

I also find it funny that above the post about the new recruits on FB there was this ad (one out of two on the diversity checklist is a start);

Where are the dogs and the hoses?
The city is setting itself up for a Rodney King situation. Just what we need, beefy white supremecists without body cameras. Whenever there’s a police incident, get your cell phones out. Whether or not you’re involved, there’s a civil rights incident you can report and perhaps profit from as a witness or with a book deal.