Informational Meeting • 4 PM • Tuesday Feb 25
Presentation on Washington Pavilion Parapet and Cornice Condition Assessment and Study (this was deferred). I was told that the Pavilion doesn’t give two sh*ts on whether this gets replaced or not. They ‘have’ to do it to to keep their historical designation (replacing the ornamental) so they can apply for future historical grants – it’s all about the Benjamins. The roof does have to be fixed, but that should have been 20 years ago.
Also a presentation on Prairie Meadow Water and Wastewater Update.
Working Session Meeting • 2:30 • Wednesday Feb 26
City Council Budget Priorities

They should replace the cornice with CorningWare, and then replace the parapet with Cha Chia Pet plants. Make sure to water them.
Wouldn’t the Pavilion’s further decay overtime give it a more historic look?
Thus, perhaps overtime, the Bunker Ramp, too, will begin to charm us and its eroding Chernobyl radiance will then still entice us without ones personal decay.
FYI – In order to maintain its status as a historical site – on the National Registry – original materials and methods MUST be used on the exterior of the building. Substituting fiberglass faux cornice/balustrade materials will bring the official historical status of the building to an end.
Ruf, I kind of thought the same thing. So they really don’t need to be replaced.
Oh well, dress it up to make it look old. It’s an important historical landmark. There seems to be better focus on showing a profit. It’s there and can’t be vacated.