I just finished watching this. A couple of takeaways;
Councilors Kiley, Soehl and Erickson didn’t even bother to show up. Two are retired and one is self-employed. Maybe the golf courses opened early? The only two councilors in attendance that bothered to make proposals were Stehly and Brekke. The others mumbled about it. Also, the administration decided to up the due date for suggestions from the council. What?! The council should be controlling that deadline. I have told several of them that it is time to censure the mayor for violating charter and setting the budget and policy – IT IS YOUR JOB! The mayor cannot tell the council what to do with budget priorities. I’m telling you folks, Sioux Falls city government is a dictatorship and it is time to rid us of the home rule charter and return to a commission form of government.