Starr is running again, and that’s a good thing. He was on fire last night calling out the administration about dropping the bomb on the supplemental budget (so did Stehly) and asking why we can’t budget correctly for the police.
This was NOT an easy decision for Pat to make to run again, a few months ago he was unsure if he wanted to. He currently doesn’t have a challenger.
I’m not sure if I have ever told Pat this before, but I consider him the ‘rock’ of the council. Only speaking when it is appropriate and always looking for transparency. I truly believe in local government that transparency is the cornerstone of good government, and Pat has ALWAYS defended it. He deserves four more years!
Stehly still has yet to make up her mind. I spoke with her a couple of days ago, and she still hasn’t decided either way, but I do believe she will announce ‘something’ soon. I have also told her that I understand if she doesn’t run again.
Starr has served well and should be re-elected. He’s not one of the maligned members controlled by the oligarchs.
Unlike Ken, Pat is a true Starr.
will mayor selfie make a donation to pat’s opponent, if he has one?
The lack of candidates is troubling. Still no Dems running for the state legislature, either. Mayors have super PACS to control councils. And has anyone signed a petition for Dan, Clara, Whitney, or Brian, yet?. Elections are becoming a formality. Too many merely sit in their leather comfort chairs with the walls gray, the trim white, and the exteriors of their homes taupe, while they binge watch Netflix, thinking that reruns of ‘The West Wing’ is democracy in action…. #TrumpHasWornUsDown
a true starr who serves the people who unlike some of the other councilors.