South DaCola

A New Reality?

I have been thinking a lot over the past week about our current state of affairs, and every time I feel like I’m going to have an anxiety attack, I remember that staying calm, and thinking through my options is the more wise thing to do, then I put on my headphones and listen to some good jazz (or old school punk rock – they both have the same calming effect).

I have had many friends message me, call me and text me about the political ramifications of what is going on. Sorry. I don’t have the answers. I guess I could say what a lot of people are thinking, a divided country will have a hard time bringing this together, but it is the new reality.

So I will give you some advice, some you have probably heard already;

• Take your investments out of trading and transfer to money markets. I learned my f’ing lesson in 2008 and pulled mine out last week. Yes you will lose gains when the market turns around, but you will still have money to get in late. I’m not an economist, but I am also not stupid.

• Make sure any savings you have is secure, and contribute as much as you can.

• Don’t buy stupid crap.

• Talk to your employer about PTO and how they will participate in the forthcoming legislation to be signed by the president this week.

• Listen to the experts in the Federal Government, NOT the president. The only good coming out of his mouth will ensure our crops will be properly fertilized this Spring.

• Call your parents, your friends and other loved ones as much as possible, give them hope, love and comfort (this is the most important thing).

• Stock up on Beer, Cigarettes and Weed (just kidding . . . kind of).

Lastly remember we are all in this together, so help and think about others, don’t expose yourself if you don’t have to. I will be honest with you, I have no doubt in my mind, like the recession of 2008, the working man will be f’ckd over while big banks, Wall Street and industry will be bailed out. This time around I hope the American public stands up and says we have had enough. I will commend the handful of congress people who said this was most important in last week’s legislation, but there is more work to be done. If the airline industry fails, if the cruise industry fails, oh well, maybe as free market industries they should have had safeguards in place, why should I have to bail them out for not having a safety net when mine was taken from me decades ago. Besides, who goes on a Cruise anyway?

Stay safe. Pray, and remember, there is only one real cure for a pandemic, stop voting for Republicans!


As I suspected, Bernie was Howard Dean’d, knee capped like a scene out of the Soprano. I saw it coming months ago. My choice was actually a Warren, but when I saw how the media was giving her the Hillary Clinton treatment, I knew where it was going. I think Biden will pick Amy Klobasomething as his running mate to secure the midwest vote.


I think the SOS and Governor Noem are seriously exploring postponing city elections across the state on April 14. Sioux Falls city councilor Theresa Stehly reached out to the governor’s office today asking them to look at options. While I understand this may be a touchy issue legally, as I told a government official last night (not Stehly) ‘Who works the polls? Senior citizens. They are not going to risk their health working an election.’ If you don’t have the poll workers, you can’t hold an election. I think we will be hearing from Noem soon on a postponement of the city elections across the state.

Stay safe, and if you need a laugh give me a call, I’m full of them.

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