Dear Task Force Members:

Thank you, once again, for the time and attention you gave to the boundary discussions in January and February.  We are entering into the Community Engagement phase of the process with our first meeting tomorrow night at Memorial Middle School, beginning at 5:30pm.  A listing of other meetings is below.

Today, I am asking for your involvement in one more meeting before we turn the boundary information over to the Board of Education.  I believe there would be real value in listening to the group after you have had an opportunity to see how the topic progresses through the community input stage.  

At the final meeting, I would like to hear from each of you on insights gained as the process has continued, new perspectives you may have gained, strongly held perspectives that have been reinforced – and ultimately – to make sure you have had a chance to voice topics you feel the Board needs to know as they take on the final phase of the boundary process.

The final meeting will truly be your meeting.  The District will do a minimum of talking – and we will maximize our listening.  I hope you can join us on Monday, April 20, 2020 from 5:30-7:30pm in the Board Rooms at IPC to share your thoughts.  A light meal will be available before.  Thank you for everything you have already done in this regard.  And, thank you for your consideration of giving us one more night!


Upcoming Meetings – all start at 5:30pm in the auditorium

Thursday, March 12 at Memorial Middle School

Monday, March 16 at Patrick Henry Middle School

Thursday, March 26 at Whittier Middle School

Tuesday, April 7 at McGovern Middle School

Thursday, April 9 at Edison Middle School

DeeAnn Konrad, APR

Community Relations Supervisor

4 Thoughts on “Even with a Pandemic on the horizon, the SFSD wants to have public meetings

  1. D@ily Spin on March 11, 2020 at 9:36 pm said:

    I suspect this schedule will be amended. Teleconferencing instead? A future problem nationally and internationally will be band width. Hmmm, maybe we need 5G after all.

  2. D@ily Spin on March 11, 2020 at 9:42 pm said:

    There’s gonna be lots more cocooning because of Corona Virus. A trip to another planet will later become a drive to Pierre.

  3. A member of the liberal "Deep State" coronavirsus conspiracy on March 11, 2020 at 10:00 pm said:

    Noem looks scared. ThuneHaken and his broker buddy are excited about some chicken. The school district is planning meetings. But all three sit back as a drove of people plan to come to your find town for a state basketball tournament.

    ( and Woodstock adds: “I thought school districts taught science?”…)

  4. The Buck Stops With Maher and The School Board on March 12, 2020 at 9:50 am said:

    This is NOT about delaying the physical construction of the two schools.

    This IS about where students will go to school in 2021

    SEVENTEEN months from now!

    These are meetings which could easily be delayed.

    The auditorium at Memorial Middle School holds 400+. This is exactly the kind of social contact the CDC is warning against.

    In the end, it is Dr. Maher and the School Board that have made the decision to go forward with this meeting.

    They are the individuals charged with protecting 25,000+ of our children on a daily basis.

    How confident do you feel about that!!?

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