In this screenshot of a FB video Jensen posted about the Mexican Beer Flu, absentee voting and yard signs (yup, it was all in there) I noticed a familiar logo on a conference room table, the logo of Lawrence and Schiller. If Count Counciloser is using this firm to help mold his message, no wonder he needs to raise a lot of money, they ain’t cheap, and they certainly don’t scream grassroots. The special interests just keep stacking the deck.

I will commend Alex on one thing in his disjointed message though, it is important to absentee vote.

Sioux Falls’ city election will be held on April 14th, with polls open between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM.

Check your voter registration, find your polling place and view a sample ballot here:

If you are concerned about COVID19, we encourage you to vote absentee in person between March 30th and April 13th. All registered Sioux Falls voters may vote absentee in-person at the Minnehaha County Auditor’s Office (415 N. Dakota Ave., Sioux Falls, SD 57104).

You may also vote absentee by mail. Information on voting by mail is available on the City Clerk’s website.

7 Thoughts on “Is Count Jensen using one of the most expensive and overrated ad agencies in the state?

  1. Just assuming scott Lawerence probably donated your his campaign

  2. Fear & Loathing in Sioux Falls on March 13, 2020 at 11:20 pm said:

    L&S is more like a local Trilateral Commission. In recent years, its employee alumni include a former Republican State Chair, a Democratic State vice-Chair, and a Democratic state legislator. I am sure there are others, too, that I am not aware of.

  3. The Guy from Guernsey on March 14, 2020 at 8:02 am said:

    If true, explains the bad and awkward ad copy in the campaign materials to date.
    Although it is certainly plausible that the campaign materials result solely from the amateur efforts of a Jensen campaign staffer, too.

  4. The Guy from Guernsey on March 14, 2020 at 8:17 am said:

    Getting ready for these ad agency beauties somehow re-purposed as ‘closers’ on behalf of Jensen in the waning days of this election –

    “Don’t Jerk and Vote” (for Alex! ??)

    “Sioux Falls. Yah, we’ve got a Bunker Ramp. But we have plenty of jobs. We have plenty of air. And we’re not Mars.”

    “Why die on Mars when you can live in Sioux Falls?”

  5. D@ily Spin on March 14, 2020 at 10:04 am said:

    It’s rather obvious city oligarchs don’t want Stehly to win. They’ll ‘Cry Like Huether’ when they’ve spent so much money and she wins anyway.

  6. I think it is funny that the only place he mentions SF is on the small type at the bottom of his postcard. He also doesn’t mention ‘At-Large’ or even bothers to mention in a byline who is child and wife are. I often tell people running for local elections ‘it’s the little things.’

  7. "Very Stable Genius" on March 14, 2020 at 12:38 pm said:

    Eventually, the Alex! campaign will desperately fall to Jeb! levels in its attempt to stop Theresa, but to no avail. The Alex!sters will coldly learn that money cannot overcome passion and the true mood, and attitude of the voters.

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