Not sure if the city council will happen or not on Tuesday, but it seems to be scheduled at this point;
Local Board of Equalization Hearings, 3 PM, Monday, March 16
Regular city council meeting, 7 PM, Tuesday, March 17
Item #6, Approval of contracts, Sub Item #23, a $50K data services contract with Midco. I guess they are getting their MAC sponsorship money back in one form or another.
Item #40, Resolution to dissolve TIF #5. I think this was the Cherapa Place TIF, hard to tell because no where in the documentation does it mention the recipient of this TIF. Unreal.
Item #41, Resolution, go into an agreement for a CMAR for the sewer plant expansion. This deal stinks to high heaven. The public deserves more transparency on this deal, I have a feeling there is a lot more going on behind the scenes on this deal. The way it is being handled is very suspicious.
Item #45, Appointing new Innovation Director. While I support this new director, I find it very odd there is NO bio or resume attached to this item on the agenda.