South DaCola

Sioux Falls City Councilor Erickson keeps whining about having a job, I thought she was self-employed?

I had to chuckle a little during the Operations Committee meeting yesterday of the Sioux Falls city council when councilor Erickson argued against longer informational meetings. She kept referring to the councilors having other jobs and commitments and not being able to make certain meetings.

2020-03-03 Sioux Falls CC Operations Committee Meeting

First off, Erickson runs a rental, real estate and Air BNB business with her husband and is essentially self-employed. But really, does that matter? You signed up for running for city council, you knew your responsibilities and duties (served two terms) before you ran, and you are paid to be there. So please, your excuses ring hollow, BTW, let’s look at the council’s ‘jobs’?

Erickson – Self-employed

Neitzert – works from home

Stehly – self-employed

Brekke – retired

Soehl – retired

Kiley – semi-retired(?)

Starr – self-employed

Selberg – Real estate agent (semi-self employed, but does work for a company)

So out of the eight city councilors, only two of them are not either retired or self-employed, and those two have pretty open schedules.

Christine, stop whining, you know what you signed up for, and you know most if not ALL of councilors schedules are flexible due to their ‘jobs’.

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