By l3wis

7 thoughts on “We need to give credit where credit is due”
  1. Oh, it is beautiful! I can also imagine a mid century camping trailer white in color with a teal stripe on it, and with rusty tire rims, too, and a faded Reptile Gardens or Cosmos bumper sticker on it as well, that is then parked in front of the Mt. Bunker Ramp. Mostly likely an old site trailer once used by Legacy or Hultgren Construction. But, however, this trailer could now find a new purpose in life as Mt. Bunker Ramp’s gift shop.

    ( – and Woodstock adds: “Oh, I hope they carry xxxs t-shirts”… “And maybe I could find some clearance Alex! stickers for my political memorabilia collection there, too”…)

  2. in all fairness, huether, erpenbach and rolfing all deserve a spot on that wall of fame as well.

  3. A 30 million billboard. Sounds like something the city would fall for. How about make it a bunker cemetery for veterans? A package deal with the pawn shop?

  4. This parking ramp was an overpriced boondoggle from the beginning. When you reward an overpriced contract to a disreputable company we should expect problems. No surprise there.

  5. Place this poster at voting stations and other important sites……maybe the upcoming St Patrick’s day parade.

    Add the statement “WE the public demand a city wide vote on the Sioux Falls Arena, Convention and Entertainment Center proposal!

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