South DaCola

Give the residents of South Dakota the $1.6 billion

Governor Noem says she doesn’t want to spend the Federal Covid money on Covid expenses, she instead wants it to offset the sales tax revenue. I think a better use of the money would be to send it to South Dakotans. If you gave it to every single resident of the state, we would each get around $1,800. If you just sent it to adults, it would be even higher. On top of that, if we turned around and bought stuff in the state with it, it would give the state (4 pennies) around $64 million in tax revenue.

What I am afraid is that Noem is going to end up pissing this money down her leg with massive handouts to corporations. She says it is for paying teachers. Hogwash. I think the best way to stimulate the economy in SD is to give us the money and we will decide how to spend it. But we know she would never do something like that, because that would mean she has compassion and common sense.

Many people have argued that we shouldn’t take this ‘handout’. Last I checked, we all pay Federal income taxes, it is ‘OUR’ money we are getting.

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