South DaCola

I support Mayor TenHaken’s ‘Shelter in Place’ order

I suppose I could rant this is too late, but better late than never. This could have been better controlled if Smithfield’s would have asked for the help of the Feds and the state and city health directors to help control the spread in the plant. If they would have told officials back in March, they may have gotten it under control and they may not have to close. But that hog has already left the pen, and now it is spreading in our community.

I’m utterly baffled and horrified that the state legislature has tied the hands of our city and the governor will not intervene when Paul has asked her to. I would even argue it is a slap in his face not to at least tell him you are working on a solution;

Increasingly exasperated local leaders, public health experts and front-line medical workers begged Noem to intervene Monday with a more aggressive state response.

“A shelter-in-place order is needed now. It is needed today,” said Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken, whose city is at the center of South Dakota’s outbreak and who has had to improvise with voluntary recommendations in the absence of statewide action.

I found out today that on March 30th, the drunken sailors we call our state legislature tied the city’s hands. This is out of their control, and now it may be another 10 days before any action can be taken. But I hope not.

I would suggest that Paul ignore the legislature and use every legal trick he can to get a shelter in place order put in place by Friday or before. Let the AG sue us later, this is no time to worry about legal repercussions.

I stand with the Mayor and City Council on this, it’s time to defy the Governor’s office and take action. We can handle her crying on Fox about it later while we are all watching safely from home. Paul, show the citizens of Sioux Falls you have it in you – I think you do.

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