South DaCola

Mayor TenHaken has time for CNN but can’t run the Daily Covid pressers on CityLink

Mayor Paul TenHaken on CNN

Many people have asked me why the daily pressers are only live streamed online thru various news sites and Facebook but not on CityLink. They are played later, but it seems they are not covered live. You would think a city our size who has it’s own public TV station would live stream these important press conferences. Paul’s appearances on national news and a FB only prove there is a certain sector he is reaching out to, and as he has admitted before, he is in constant campaign mode. The people he should be reaching at 10:30 AM on CityLink, the elderly, who are most vulnerable, are missing these important pressers in real time because they may not have the internet or a FB page. Sorry, but using tornados and pandemics to prop you up for a re-election 2 years from now looks worse than a homemade face mask.

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