April 2020

Sioux Falls City Election, YES on A, NO on B

As people have been absentee voting, many have asked me how to vote on the amendments. Amendment ‘A’ is pretty easy to understand. Amendment ‘B’ is a little more complicated, but I will lay it out for you 1) VOTE NO 2) If this was as simple as following state law, the council would have passed this already, they did not, because it is more complicated than that 3) this would increase the number of signatures you would need to petition our city charter. It should be made easier to petition our local government not harder. This is simply an attempt to justify the questionable rules that were implemented on Triple Check the Charter. How can you apply rules to petitioning when citizens haven’t approved those rules yet? VOTE NO!

Stop making fun of my sneakers!

Upset because we’re tired of the leadership led Goat Roping, watch this thin skin report from Sioux Falls Mayor Paul TenHaken. Instead of dealing with the problems at hand, the mayor goes Trumpster.

Blaming everyone else instead of their incompetence is the city of Sioux Falls response. Blaming the inaction of the city on commenters and news reports of their inaction is uncalled for. You do not lead successfully by scraping the bottom of a barrel unless you are looking for gold flakes while mining.

Oh, and Paul, respect is earned not automatically granted to elected officials. You work for us, not the other way around. You ‘signed up this’ whether you knew it or not. If you can’t stand the heat in the kitchen, get out now.

BTW, why wasn’t this press conference shown live on Sioux Falls City Link / Channel 16?

Jack Billion and Frank Kloucek Encourage Use of Face Masks in Public

Retired Doctor of Orthopedic Medicine Dr Jack Billion of Sioux Falls, and retired 22 year legislator Frank Kloucek of Scotland, ask South Dakotan’s to stay home, but when you must go out wear face masks in all public spaces like grocery stores.  

“The recent Massachusetts Institute of Technology study has proven that Corvid droplets from humans can travel up to 27 feet in laboratory conditions. The implementation of dust mask or face mask policies should have been mandated long ago,” said Kloucek.

Jack Billion said “We need to look at the world around us and see what is working in the fight against the Corvid 19 virus. Face masks are working to reduce the infection rate. Please use them when you go out into the public.”

“The Czech Republic has mandated face masks for office workers and in all public situations. If the Czech Republic can do this why can not we at least voluntarily do so. One can be a carrier of this disease and not know it. To protect yourself and others – please wear a face mask. It falls to us to protect our communities.” Kloucek concluded.