April 2020

UPDATE: Sioux Falls Healthcare to have a big announcement tomorrow

UPDATE: What was supposed to be announced today is the healthcare systems plans to combat the pandemic, and they did touch on it a little bit in the city’s press conference today. Hopefully we will hear more later. Also, the 2nd part is that at least one of the hospitals have sent all non-essential employees home if they can work from there. Not sure what will happen with the ones that cannot work from home.

Mayor TenHaken said today that there will be an announcement tomorrow. I’ve heard what it is, and it is going to be shocking. I just wanted to be on record to be prepared. I have had several employees reach out to me about what they think it is, but I will leave it for the official announcement. Let’s just say they are preparing for the pandemic to hit Sioux Falls, but not in the way you would expect. Let’s hope the predictions are wrong.

‘A Goat Rodeo’ – Sioux Falls City Council special meeting

During the special meeting today at 4 PM, Mayor TenHaken called the current crisis a ‘Goat Rodeo’. What he didn’t mention is he is the head rodeo clown.

What was supposed to be a simple meeting about taking further action against the corona virus pandemic in Sioux Falls turned from a goat rodeo to a real sheep sh*t show.

While the health director was addressing the council about possible further action, some councilors decided this would be a great time to discuss some of those further actions. Stehly was well within in her rights to ask these questions, and a very respectful exchange was occurring between her and the health director Franken when the mayor decided to cut off the questioning because it wasn’t relative to the ordinance, even the city attorney jumped in to say this wasn’t about what may be further done.

Starr called for the adjournment of the meeting and Stehly seconded it, to the mayor’s befuddlement, he asked why? Starr stated that basically if they couldn’t have a discussion and ask questions they might as well go home.

But it got better, councilor Brekke, who was joining the meeting telephonically, basically said it was their right to ask these questions and told the city attorney she was ‘confounded’ as to why he thought he could shut it down.

Of course the mayor and the health director went into apologetic mode as councilor Erickson complained about the barking dogs of one of the telephonic councilors joining (funny, I thought it was her barking, as she normally does during the meeting. She is starting to remind me of a former . . . erp . . . councilor).

From D.C. on down, I’m beginning to wonder who is really in charge right now. The answer is simple; The virus.