April 2020

UPDATE: Count Jensen’s message continues to lack substance and consistency

UPDATE: I guessed a missed a major typo on the postcard. Jensen had the wrong address on the postcard for the location of the election center.

This is from Alex’s latest waste of postage mailer. Not sure what this even means? There are only two council seats up for grabs. Even if both of those flip, not much would change. I have told people the major change is always in the mayoral election years. By pushing Stehly out and putting Jensen in, all we would have accomplished was creating a RS6 instead of a RS5.

But the strangest part was the message on the back of the mailer where Alex reaches out to ‘progressives’;

I’m also not sure what it means to be a ‘respectful’ elected official. I’m still pondering that. Also the word ‘collaborative’ in Sioux Falls city government is code for ‘Big Rubber Stamp’. When you have a body of 8 with conflicting ideas, you come up with better solutions because you take the time to weed out bad ideas.

But I found the statement about being ‘progressive’ to be laughable. Not only does Stehly have the support of many Independents and Democrats (that is really how she won last time, because you know, a city council seat is non-partisan) Jensen’s record on progressive ideals in the State House are less than exemplary. He voted for massive tax increases on the poor, voted against gun safety and supported discrimination. I guess every progressive I have met are not real keen on those ideals.

But I will agree with him on one point, a higher voter turnout could be a game changer. Not that it would get him elected, I actually think Stehly will get more votes. But you never know?

As I pointed out to someone today, all Alex Jensen is, is a prototype of Marshall Selberg. You can take that however you want to.

Republican leaders Langer, Greenfield admonished for intoxication

Am I the only one who sees the obvious hypocrisy in all of this?

The panel Friday voted 9-0 to admonish Langer and Greenfield for their behavior and cautioned them against future appearances at the Capitol when their sobriety could be questioned.

Cory goes into more detail than I care to. This is absolutely disgusting. While our state is in the middle of a pandemic and eventually a economic crisis, on veto day these two decide to get drunk on recess when they know they will have to return for business later. I would never judge any elected official who wants to throw a few back after a hard day’s work, but the day’s work hadn’t finished yet. These two should have been thrown out of the legislature yesterday on their heads, and if they had any courage or sense left in them after this, they should do the honorable thing and both resign on Monday.

Remember just a few short months ago when the Governor’s office and AG decided to investigate a certain State’s Attorney for similar allegations which lead to him resigning his post. What was the difference between the two cases? He was a Democrat and these two f’ing clowns were Republicans. The majority party has been breaking rules for decades in this state, why start punishing them now?

What would Mayor Bucktooth & Bowlcut do during this crisis?

This question has come up a lot with me from foot soldiers and political friends.

I try not to think about it too much, because I am so glad he is no longer in leadership, but I will try to break this down. I think the positives would outweigh the negatives;


• Hardworker. I could never argue with the fact that B&B was a 24/7 employee. I guarantee he would have not taken off a single weekend until we got through this crisis and would have worked at it every day putting in long hours.

• B&B was not afraid to make hard decisions, right or wrong. He was pretty resolute when he made a decision and would not backdown from it, even if it was tragically wrong.

• He would follow expert’s plans and emergency management manuals. B&B knew he wasn’t an expert about a lot of things and would rely on the knowledge of others to implement the best plan. Of course, he would still take credit for it. He leaned on his directors a lot during a crisis, we saw this with the ice storm. This is what leaders do. Lincoln was a great example of this. B&B was no Lincoln though.

• He would find a way to balance business and government. In other words he would have not taken a heavy hand, but would have been strong about getting businesses to do preventive things. I also think he would have acted much, much earlier.

• He would have put city employees to work, helping business to secure safety by redirecting them to do other job duties. B&B would have never let a single city employee slouch during this unless they had underlying health conditions.

• B&B was not afraid to take legal risks. He did this during the entire 8 years he was mayor. Laws? We don’t need no stinking laws. He certainly would not have been a wilting flower when it comes to our Governor and her box of rocks for a brain.


• B&B would have taken advantage of the situation for business opportunities for himself and friends. We would have never heard about it because those plans would have taken place behind closed doors. City councilor Brekke said it best recently, ‘During a time of crisis there will be Heros and there will be Scoundrels.’ He would have worn both badges – proudly.

• He would have used the crisis to promote himself. We saw this during ‘Operation Timberstrike’. 

• B&B would have used the opportunity to use his authoritarian powers under home rule charter to the fullest extent.

• He would not have bothered to consult the majority of the council to get buy in. He would have garnered the four votes he needed and steamrolled the rest of them.

• He would use the opportunity to bilk taxpayers more in the future with hidden and not so apparent tax and fee increases and unnecessary bonding.

• Lastly, he would have used the crisis to be even less transparent and lie to the public about what is going on behind the scenes to put a ‘positive’ spin on the situation.

But I will be honest with you, during this time of crisis if I had a choice between the last guy or the current guy, I would pick the last one.

How truly sad is our options?

What I want to know is why PTH doesn’t know the age of two of his three kids? So odd.

Are people skirting building permits in Sioux Falls?

I found out today many people across the city are doing ‘projects’ on their homes without permits. Some of these properties have been reported to the city. Most of the projects are new roofs, but there have been reports of window replacements and even an entire house being gutted.

I guess one of the reasons this is going on is because the city has limited their building inspections. Not sure if that is true, but if it is, it seems odd. Building inspectors have less interaction with the public than police or fire does. If they are sitting on their butts at home, time to get back to work!

If our governor and mayor tell us we all need to go to work each day because hot dog makers, credit card hucksters and personal trainers are ‘essential’, it’s time they put their money where their mouth is and order all city and state workers to either be working full-time from home and if they cannot, report for duty. If anyone one is essential right now, it is people drawing a salary from taxpayers. If the rest of us can endure being exposed to Covid, the government workers should be able to also.

Maybe the Mayor needs to test his SOAR program out first on city employees?

The hypocrisy is unprecedented – and all reported from Noem’s $130K FOX News studio in the basement of the governor’s mansion.

When she was running for governor, my mother coined her as ‘Donita Trump’. How true it is. How true it is!

Maybe she should resign and hand the reigns over to Rep. Mike Saba, the only elected official in state government who is trying to fight through this crisis with calculated and studied approaches.