April 2020

Give the residents of South Dakota the $1.6 billion

Governor Noem says she doesn’t want to spend the Federal Covid money on Covid expenses, she instead wants it to offset the sales tax revenue. I think a better use of the money would be to send it to South Dakotans. If you gave it to every single resident of the state, we would each get around $1,800. If you just sent it to adults, it would be even higher. On top of that, if we turned around and bought stuff in the state with it, it would give the state (4 pennies) around $64 million in tax revenue.

What I am afraid is that Noem is going to end up pissing this money down her leg with massive handouts to corporations. She says it is for paying teachers. Hogwash. I think the best way to stimulate the economy in SD is to give us the money and we will decide how to spend it. But we know she would never do something like that, because that would mean she has compassion and common sense.

Many people have argued that we shouldn’t take this ‘handout’. Last I checked, we all pay Federal income taxes, it is ‘OUR’ money we are getting.

Rep. Michael Saba Hartford District 9 Supports Small Farmers

Representative Michael Saba District 9 Hartford signs letter with 128 state legislators from 34 states urging U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue to utilize Cares Act funds specifically allocated for our agricultural producers, farmers and ranchers to be distributed with appropriate emphasis on the small farmers and producers including our Native Americans and other minority producers and agricultural workers. 

The letter and signatories to Secretary Perdue follows:

April 23, 2020

The Honorable George Ervin “Sonny” Perdue III Secretary of Agriculture

U.S. Department of Agriculture

1400 Independence Avenue, SW

Washington, D.C. 20250 Dear Secretary Perdue:

We are 128 state legislators from 34 states writing to you as state policymakers who are gravely concerned about COVID-19 and the impact on our local food and specialty crop producers.

Significant revenue losses are projected for the multibillion-dollar local food industry in which producers sell directly into local and regional markets.

In view of Congress’s decision to allocate some $9.5 billion to support local food production during and following this public health emergency, we write to urge the U.S. Department of Agriculture to focus its discretionary authority in the allocation of these resources to mitigate the financial harm to those producers working to ensure that our communities have local, fresh and wholesome food, as well as to prevent the structural damage to markets that would set back regional and community-based food system development for years to come.

At a time of economic and social disruption—when the potential for innovation, enterprise and entrepreneurship are greatest—we encourage the department to support the continued development of emerging, sustainable models for food production, processing, and distribution, that also have become lifelines for food banks and school feeding programs across the country.

We are concerned that Congress gave little guidance for how this CARES Act appropriation will be spent. And we are conscious of the fact that many of our local producers, Black farmers, and underserved minority farmers who do not currently participate in USDA programs could be overlooked in the distribution of funds.

We insist that the USDA solicit and respect the recommendations of the local food experts in our state departments of agriculture and land grant universities, as well as the voices of food producers and the many other players in our local and regional food systems, as you strive to ensure the equitable distribution of federal resources.

For example, we suggest that you strongly consider allocating a major portion of the appropriation to state departments of agriculture in the form of block grants, based on reasonable metrics associated with food production and domestic consumption, so that each state can address its unique needs based on a model other than “one size fits all.”

Whether the funds are expended through the states or directly by USDA, we urge you to ensure that the resources are equitably distributed to benefit local food producers.

A number of USDA programs rely on local food producers for their success, including the Gus Schumacher Nutrition Incentive Program, Double Up Food Bucks, and the Produce Prescription Program. If additional funds cannot be allocated to these programs directly, then direct support under the CARES Act for local producers who supply such programs will be essential.

We support the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition in many of its recommendations and urge USDA to observe the following principles in making these decisions:

• Ensure that aid to local and regional food system food producers is commensurate with expected losses of more than $1 billion;

• Invest in and offer support for market development designed to foster the stabilization, growth and increased sustainability of the production of food for local and regional consumption;

• Prioritize small- and mid-sized farms that sell directly into local and regional markets, with special attention to farmers historically underserved by USDA;

• Provide funds directly to producers, including livestock contract growers, and not to integrators, packers, or processors likely to be eligible for aid through other programs;

• Ensure that information about applying for aid is readily accessible, provided in multiple languages and formats, and that assistance for applicants with limited English proficiency is readily available;

• Not limit aid to farmers that are already participating in federal programs; farms should not be required to have an FSA number in order to receive aid;

• Provide outreach to farmers about aid opportunities that is thorough and robust, including outreach to urban farmers, indigenous farmers, Black farmers, minority farmers, very small and limited-resource farmers, and farmers with limited English proficiency;

• Guarantee that the Inspector General has all of the information to ensure a timely and robust audit of the implementation of the agricultural provisions in the CARES Act.

Further, we urge USDA to extend grant deadlines for applicants to recognize the hardships that they are experiencing and to ensure the utmost flexibility during the national public health disaster.

We thank you for your attention and consideration, and we look forward to working with you to engage our constituents involved in local agricultural systems, now and in the future.


The undersigned

Representative KC Becker


Representative Della Belati


Senator Shenna Bellows


Representative Joel Briscoe


Representative Julie Brixie


Representative Bri Buentello


Senator Claire Celsi


Senator Stephanie Chang


Delegate Lorig Charkoudian


Representative Annmarie Christensen


Representative Brian Clem


Representative James Coleman


Representative Sarah Copeland Hanzas Vermont

Representative Mari Cordes


Senator Sue Crawford


Representative Lisa Cutter


Representative Mary Jo Daley


Senator Allison DeGazon

Virgin Islands

Senator Michael Dembrow


Senator Andrew Dinniman


Representative Kari Dolan


Representative Molly Donahue


Representative Sherry Dorsey Walker


Representative Caleb Elder


Representative Daneya Esgar


Representative Charen Fegard


Delegate Barbara Fleischauer

West Virginia

Senator JD Ford


Senator Mike Gabbard


Representative Tavia Galonski


Senator Erika Geiss


Senator Sara Gelser


Senator Eric Giddens


Senator Jeff Golden


House Democratic Leader Christine Greig


Delegate Michele Guyton


Representative Chris Hall


Representative Pricey Harrison

North Carolina

Representative Adam Hattersley


Representative Craig Hickman


Senator Rob Hogg


Representative Joseph Hohenstein Pennsylvania

Representative Rachel Hood


Representative Kara Hope


Representative Charles Isenhart


Senator Jani Iwamoto


Senator Troy Jackson


Representative Carolyn Jackson


Representative Dominique Jackson


Senator Pam Jochum


Representative Chris Kennedy


Representative Cathy Kipp


Delegate Kaye Kory


Representative Bob Kressig


Representative Jasmine Krotkov


Representative Fue Lee


Representative Deborah Lekanoff


Representative Vicki Lensing


Senator Matthew Lesser


Representative Ben Lien


Representative Todd Lippert


Representative Leslie Love


Senator Margie MacDonald


Representative Mary Mascher


Representative Jim Masland


Senator Sean McCann


Representative Julie McCluskie Colorado

Representative Charlie McConkey


Representative Curt McCormack Vermont

Representative Tracy McCreery


Representative Genevieve McDonald


Representative Andy McKean


Representative Barbara McLachlan


Representative Dafna Michaelson Jenet Colorado

Delegate David Moon


Representative Megan Murray

New Hampshire

Representative Logan Nicoll


Representative Andrea Olsen


Assistant Speaker Felix W. Ortiz

New York

Representative Carolyn Partridge


Representative Avram Patt


Assemblywoman Sarah Peters


Representative William Pluecker


Senator Dayna Polehanki


Representative Dylan Roberts


Representative Eddie Rodriguez


Representative Wes Rogers


Representative Michael Saba

South Dakota

Representative Lindsay Sabadosa Massachusetts

Senator John Sabatina, Jr.


Senator Linda Sanborn


Representative Robin Scheu


Senator Judy Schwank


Representative Katrina Shankland


Representative Sharon Shewmake


Representative Jeffrey Shipley


Representative Jonathan Singer


Representative Emily Sirota


Representative Trevor Squirrell


Representative Art Staed


Representative Sharon Steckman


Representative Cherlynn Stevenson


Senator Sharif Street


Representative Mary Sullivan


Representative Randall Szott


Representative Geran Tarr


Representative Raquel Teran


Representative Liz Thomson

New Mexico

Representative Kerry Tipper


Representative Brianna Titone


Representative Maida Townsend


Representative Chip Troinao


Representative Donald Valdez


Assembly Member Jo Ann Van Slyke

New York

Senator Mary Ware


Representative Ami Wazlawik


Representative Mike Weissman


Representative Ken Wells

New Hampshire

Representative Marty Wilde


Representative Dave Williams


Representative Angela Witwer


Representative Mary Wolfe


Representative Theresa Wood


Senator Mike Woodard

North Carolina

Representative Michael Yantachka


Representative Mary Young


Delegate Lisa Zukoff

West Virginia

Noem and TenHaken need to be called out about Smithfields

There have been tons of stories in the national and international media about how Smithfields failed their employees, to many to link, just get out the googles, oh but this one is good.

One of the major perceptions is that since these employees are immigrants they don’t know how to wash their hands and they have been literally living in a one bedroom apartment with eight beds. After you stop tragically laughing from these claims (who I would assume are coming from Smithfields’ management) it is simply hog sh*t! But what makes it even worse is that the mayor of the state’s largest city and the governor are pushing this misinformation campaign.

Even if we recover quickly from this, Paul and Kristi need to be called out about their apparent ignorance or at least pushing this flat out lie. I have talked to several Smithfield employees, they have no doubt the spread happened at the plant, as the CDC pointed out today.

I also want to say that ham, bacon and hot dogs are not essential food. In fact, I would go even farther and say if you stopped eating this crap you would probably live a lot longer. This is another lie they are pushing about being ‘essential’. If Smithfields was selling super food smoothies, I would defend them. I have the super foods list posted on my fridge, and it doesn’t include a pork product, in fact there is NO animal protein on the list except salmon.

There has also been some conflicting remarks about supplying the American food chain, as I understand it, a lot of this food is going to China. I have not been able to nail down the exact percentage, but some of the claims (10% to China) are questionable and need to be investigated.

Also, besides the fact that this plant has had to pay fines due to water and air pollution, they now are putting workers at risk. If we had a Federal government with a conscious, this place would have been closed down years ago.

What makes the Governor’s ignorance (or flat our lies) even more egregious is that she now wants a sales tax bailout from Federal taxpayers. Why? Because taxing goods and services, gambling and FOOD is not real lucrative. Gee I wonder why? When you have a regressive tax system that taxes the poor at a higher rate while giving massive tax breaks and tax havens to high income earners, this was bound to happen. It doesn’t take an economist to figure this out.

It’s time for a corporate and high earner income tax to the wealthy of the state, and eliminate the taxes on hot dogs. Because, you know, hot dogs are ESSENTIAL, and why should I be taxed when buying them?

Freaking Morons!

Haikus submitted by reader about our mayor

He vs Him in Haiku

He has billboards, Him had billboards

He billboards no message, Him billboards no message

He wishes to be Him

He is always in crisis, Him dove into crisis

He is a solitary runner, Him must have audience

He stumbles in crisis, Him had press conferences

He has a garage man cave, Him has a swamp house

He wants to play with kids, Him is not kidding

He plans like a child, Him never a child

He works hard to look cool, Him never changed look

He is blinded by the limelight, Him uses limelight to get a tan.

He is a stagehand, Him is the speaker

He is a poser, Him strikes a pose

He wants to be everyone’s friend, Him has no friends

He gives vacation in crisis, Him pushes staff to collapse

He giveth, Him taketh

He wants to be new age, Him wants to be ageless

He wants power, Him assumes he is powerful

He wimps, Him a bully

He seeks advice from higher, Him thinks nothing higher

Him believes in a higher, Him gives the higher advice

He cowers on his knees, Him holds a whip

He believes, Him wants to be believed

He stares at the future, Him wants to be the future

He hides from decisions, Him thinks his decisions are perfect

He tries to look perfect, Him believes he is perfect

He plays with his hair, Him has hair of iron

He is played, Him is a player

Him is leaderless, He is unwanted leader

He dreams of being a leader, Him kicks the leader

He thinks he is Godly, Him plays God