South DaCola

Sending Absentee Ballot Applications a total waste of Taxpayer dollars

Before you think I’m against voting by mail, you would be mistaken. I fully support it. What I want to point out is the government waste in SOS Barnett’s plan to mail everyone an ‘application’.

Think about it.

Instead of just simply mailing every registered voter a ballot(s) to begin with, (depending on the election in your district) Barnett’s plan is going to cause all kinds of extra confusion, extra work and extra money and postage.

His application plan does this;

• By sending everyone an application instead of a ballot, you are possibly doubling your postage fees.

• You are possibly doubling your printing costs by mailing an application than a ballot to begin with.

• If just a ballot is sent, this saves county auditors time in processing applications and stuffing ballots to be mailed back.

• No one’s rights are being infringed upon. In fact, I would argue this gives you more rights because it makes the process simpler. If you choose not to use the ballot mailed to you, simply recycle it.

I use this analogy; it would be like Dominoes Pizza sending you a letter asking you if you would like to receive coupons by mail. They don’t do that, for obvious freaking reasons.

By just simply mailing you a ballot(s) to begin with, it gives you an opportunity to make the decision at that moment. No one is forcing you to fill out that ballot. You can either throw it away or vote in person.

Make no mistake, this is about making it as complicated as possible so it encourages voter suppression and the worst part it is wasting our tax dollars. Something the majority party in this state thrives at.

Why do the people in Pierre work so hard to make our lives more difficult?

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