As people have been absentee voting, many have asked me how to vote on the amendments. Amendment ‘A’ is pretty easy to understand. Amendment ‘B’ is a little more complicated, but I will lay it out for you 1) VOTE NO 2) If this was as simple as following state law, the council would have passed this already, they did not, because it is more complicated than that 3) this would increase the number of signatures you would need to petition our city charter. It should be made easier to petition our local government not harder. This is simply an attempt to justify the questionable rules that were implemented on Triple Check the Charter. How can you apply rules to petitioning when citizens haven’t approved those rules yet? VOTE NO!

3 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Election, YES on A, NO on B

  1. I am telling everyone when ask, vote NO on both.

  2. Warren Phear on April 4, 2020 at 12:40 pm said:

    Bruce…no on A? Reason?

  3. A residency rule of six months in a district so you know your district before you are elected? What is this a town of 2 million spread across 500 square miles? We are a small town where everyone has connections with every part of town. If we were to make this kind of change we should just elect everyone as At Large and forget the districts.

    I do like districts but people do move around in this town and we do not need to make everything regional. This is a proposal introduced by the out of towners who are now on the Charter Revision Commission. Listen as you watch the meetings and see the ignorance or was it coniving?

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