A certain Republican blogger who lives 40 minutes north of us runs a campaign consulting and marketing business, the one he was running while working as Deputy SOS (which he had to ultimately quit because of the conflict). He apparently has been helping with marketing materials for Count Jensen. Yesterday around 40,000 (an estimate) Republicans in Sioux Falls got a mailer promoting Jensen and other Republican primary candidates. Many candidates who have advertised in the rag were told this was going to be a positive campaign mailer. They were misled. Some Republican candidates were also snubbed and not allowed to be in the mailer. Several of the candidates have actually reached out to Stehly apologizing and explaining to her how they were misled. While there are many positive stories in the mailer and ads there is a huge hit piece on Stehly. They even lied about her employment.

The sad part about this is that Stehly has been a life long Republican who essentially has been stabbed in the back by her party, mostly by that guy up north, sadly, in a non-partisan race.
If I were any of the candidates who paid to be in this piece of garbage mailer, I would ask for my money back.
I have never understood why the city races have become more and more partisan over the past few years – oh that’s right, because we continue to elect partisans.
If I was Stehly the first thing I would do next Wednesday morning is register Independent and tell the Republican party to go fly a kite!
Not surprised. Republicans are for a Bunker Ramp, TIFs for a state entity, and a snaky, a dippy, or a bumpy 26th Street. OH, and the new one, the GOP no longer thinks that State’s Attorney candidates need to reside in the same county they seek office in.
My greatest fear is a RS6, a resident in Lincoln County enforcing Minnehaha laws, a second term for Trump, and a lingering COVID-19.
Many Republicans go about unmasked and this hit piece takes off the last mask they had, when it comes to their true intentions and their true selves. They are nothing but a political party interested in protecting the establishment, the developers, and the over all money crowd in Sioux Falls, and at any cost without any shame.
( and Woodstock adds: “Yah, but don’t forget, this isn’t the first time a Haggar didn’t live where they claimed they represented”…. )
pretty broad brush there genius. this republican was against the ramp, against the location of the events center, against the indoor pool and against the admin building. this republican is against all tifs that don’t actually benefit citizens…and so far none have. this republican voted against ten haken, against erickson and already voted against neitzert. i voted FOR stehly. until you clowns get some real candidates, the slime bags…including mr powers…that run the repub party in this state will continue to own you, and that is disappointing to me. by the way, that fake newpaper/ad was one of the most poorly written things i’ve ever seen. looked like a middle schooler wrote it.
real republican, I am not talking about you, who are held hostage to Trump. I am talking about the Republicans who run your party.
genius, i’m no more a hostage to trump than you are and, by the way, this post has nothing to do with trump. put up a better candidates and i’ll consider voting for them.
You Republicans are enabling hostages to Trump unlike the rest of us.
We have “better candidates,” except in South Dakota too many vote for the “R,” because it means tax cuts and the continual oppression of people of color.
During the two times that Trump’s numbers have gone really south over the last four years, they rebounded because of his racist comments in Charlottesville and then because of passage of the massive Republican tax cut in December of 2017.
Trump has been a part of this blog piece from the start because the same willingness within the GOP to tolerate him is the same enabling willingness which allows the GOP to be nothing but a yes man to the ownership class in this town.
i give, you win. feel better? now go suck your thumb and watch don lemon.
I didn’t get the mailer? What did it say and how can I see it? I’m all for Stehly. I’m sickened by the Jensen campaign shenanigans. I know some of the people behind it and am ashamed of some in the Republican party now. Their methods are getting sleazy! It’s time for integrity and talking about the issues. After listening to Jensen for months, I have no clue what he stands for.
Does that sound like a real republican, or what?
call ’em as i see ’em. your rage blinds you to the fact that i was kind of on your side. big mistake by me to think one of you clowns could be reasonable. i’m done here, but you need to make sure you get the last word.
You don’t like Trump and you don’t like Lemon. Huh?
It’s not rage. It’s called the consistency of a debate.
As far as “… but you need to make sure you get the last word,”… Well, it’s called debate, which is infinite, if you have ever studied it.